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Thursday, August 13, 2015

nature by the front door

How's the giant sunflower?

Aug 6

I know I sound like the parent of an only child, who had a report card with all A's.
Well, there's just the one sunflower, where other folks have a garden full.

only the very center is of interest to bees, Aug 6

Aug 7

Aug 8

Aug 8
Aug 9 morning

I've now tied it to the porch rail so it won't fall completely over, in case the weight of all those seeds starts to pull it to the ground.

Aug 9 evening

Aug 9 evening
The other good letting my peppermint go to flower/seed, I'm now feeding lots of bees their nectar!  I wonder what that honey will taste like!

Aug 10 more petals, and a sad looking flower, but still somehow upright

bumblebee backside

Aug 12

Today's quote:

A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.
Donna Roberts


  1. can't wait to see which birds come to eat the seeds

    1. Me too, Linda. I fortunately have a living room window which looks out on the sunflower. I may be parked there for a while! Whenever the seeds ripen. Not yet though.

  2. Sunflowers always remind me of my dad because of how much he loved them.

  3. It's beautiful Barbara. I love it when they turn their faces to the sun. Enjoyed your other photos too.

    1. Thanks Denise. This guy isn't turning his face to the sun, but hanging his head these days. Don't know if it will just collapse or what. Fingers crossed there are some seeds eventually, before the ants eat them!

  4. Even a small garden provides endless wonders to the seeing eye.

    1. Good to hear from you Vicki. I was honored to be invited to a cereus blooming party last year...there were 3-4 blooms and I took lots of pictures! Yours looks lovely (the series as it opened!)

  5. Barbara -- Have you ever thought of cutting the head at this stage and letting it dry to a rich earthy color. Pick the seeds out after it drys and give most of them to the animals. The dried head will give you beauty all through the winter. Save some of those seeds and replant for a new crop next year. -- barbara

    1. Yes, what a good idea. I was kind of waiting till the seeds got as big as they might...which probably will be in another week. Wanting to be sure they'll be good for all reasons, including maybe growing another one next year!


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