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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Bees loving it

My white crepe myrtle has been snowing down for the last week.  My car is far enough away it doesn't get blossoms stuck to it.  The neighbor parks closer, since his drive is right next to the property line...and I think his pickup bed might be collecting the little flakes of flowers.

After about a dozen shots I finally got a good profile of Ms. Bumble Bee

Today's quote (and I've added a link for my quotes above, in case you want to browse)

"​Fashioned from the earth, we are souls in clay form. We need to remain in rhythm with our inner clay voice and longing.​"   John O'Donohue


  1. Your white crepe myrtle is a primo bloomer. The bees are in myrtle paradise! -- barbara

    1. I love that phrase...myrtle paradise. Now I'll be imagining it all day!

  2. Replies
    1. digital, tossed about twice this many that weren't great at all! And this time I had to get out the real camera rather than the phone!

  3. the white crape myrtle is my favorite, goes with any landscape


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