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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Happy birthday, Russ

I've been scanning some old photos to share with my family, and as my second son's birthday is today, I wanted to let some of my friends (and his) and family see some of the looks that he's had through the years.  He was born Aug 16, 1967

I'll let him tell his own life story.  I'm very proud of all he has done, and love his wonderful family of wife and three daughters very much.  I hope they don't blackmail him for some of these pictures!

Yes, long hair was considered ok for boys in the 70s!

Russ and his older brother (at top of staircase) went many places together exploring...and getting into boy things as expected
Then a little brother comes along and Russ is no longer the youngest brother!
Mom and Russ were in college at the same time (different campuses though)

Russ on right plays with little nephew (and 2 adult brothers)
The next chapter was the love of his life, Michelle
May you have a very happy birthday dear son, and many happy returns!


  1. Family is everything -- wonderful photos -- barbara

    1. Thanks! Love my family! Also love my friends who have become close as family!

  2. Aw! How nice -- looks like you raised him right!


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