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Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Packing those pots

Yep, pricing, inventory listing, and wrapping in bubble wrap in tupperware tubs.  That's the name of my activities for the next 24 hours or so.

I have completed one tub, with 14 pots of various types in it...and they are on the inventory sheet as well.  So I'm taking a break.  (I may not be taking ALL these pots, but this is my first choice batch.

My goal is to have just 3 tubs.  I have to fit them in the car, either the back seat or the trunk.  And I have to GET them to the car.  It's not impossible. Just means carrying them out the door, carrying them down 4 steps, and loading them onto the cart (a little wonderful plastic thing which saves my back with all kinds of carrying help.) Then of course lifting them out of the cart.  I believe I'll try to pack some into the car tonight, then can work on the shelving unit tomorrow!

This wonderful shelving unit comes apart, and I'll reassemble it on top of the table that is provided by the Cleveland County Arts Council in Shelby.

And I have a bowl to donate to the Empty Bowls project there.

It's so wonderful to be included in this show. I'm really looking forward to setting up Thursday and going to the reception. Hope to see some familiar faces!


  1. love those black bowls and vases, that is such a luscious color, hope you sell out

  2. Jeff and I did this show for a number of years. If it weren't so far a drive we probably would have continued. The income from the show wasn't worth the time spent on travel. I hope the show is great for you. The people who run it are very accommodating and nice.

  3. Michele, thanks for telling me you have done this show. I think you all have a much busier pottery life than I do, so it's understandable not going that far afield. After all, you're in the pottery center of North Carolina! (Just wish I lived closer so I could visit more often!)

  4. Hello, good luck with the show. I love the bowl you are donating. Have a happy day and a great weekend ahead.

  5. Thanks for dropping by, Eileen.
    I have high hopes for this's so easy for me to do, just put the display up, and they take care of the sales, then come take it down. It's a small intimate show, but their reception tonight is a very good party...I'm thinking today is certainly a good day for me. I hope you have a good one too!

  6. I love the pop of the poppy bowls. And the sly little hands on your donation bowl. Best of luck at the show!


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