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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Fond memories in the making

Looking over the campus of Eckerd College (where one of my sons is an alum) over the bay to St. Pete Beach, and saying goodbye to palm trees.

I was able to do the tourist thing and be driven over the Sunshine Skyway Bridge - to Bradenton, which the vocalist on my google maps calls Brad-ing-ton.  She needs to get the correct pronunciation!

My last reflection from downtown St. Petersburg FL.

Weekend Reflections

Today's Quote:

The willingness to consider possibility requires a tolerance of uncertainty.


  1. Hello Barb, thank you for visiting me! Nice reflections here and a beautiful airy bridge! The post you came to was from the beginning of this week, most of my posts are for the whole week, then weekend, then meme All Seasons. Sorry for your wordpress experience. It depends on which theme you choose, how one's photos come out.
    Inviting you to a meme called All Seasons and runs from Sunday through Wednesday 7 pm, California time. It's about the experience in your own season, so not only nature, but also birthdays, vacations, events, hobbies, etc. Hope to see you there! Have a great weekend!

  2. Quite a bridge! Years ago we used to sail in those waters (different bridge then.)

  3. Nice perspectives of a unique bridge.

  4. Yes, Vicki...I remember when a ship bumped into the old bridge and it stopped being available for traffic, which must have driven some people nuts for a long while! I had sailed in that area too. The new bridge is very nice, and structurally like a lot of others built about the same time.


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