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Friday, October 28, 2016

Packing up for a big show

Well, it's big for me. (Art by the Tracks, Oct. 29, 10-5, Black Mountain NC)

I'm so glad to be sharing a booth with Cathy Babula, who makes fabulous pottery.  We don't clash in our styles, and seldom have many of the same kinds of pottery for sale. We've shared several shows for the last couple of years. It makes the set up and take down work much more manageable for both of us.

Today's Quote: (not sure if I agree...what do you think?)

Death is not extinguishing the light; it is putting out the lamp because the dawn has come. Rabindranath Tagore


  1. Have a great show! I really like the first vase, the shape and brush compliment each other nicely.
    Interesting quote... I think I might agree.

  2. Looks like you will have great weather for the Art by the Tracks. Who knew it would be so mild the end of October? Have a great time and good sales.


Thanks for your comments...