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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! Enjoying my newest Charlie Tefft mug, by the TV streaming fireplace!

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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

A drop in the bucket for 6 years

In 2010, six years ago yesterday, I started a new blog.  I'd already been blogging, but this one I named Alchemy of Clay.  I've now published 1085 times here at this blog. I left the first version...

Alchemy of clay, First Edition - Changes, that's what it's all about, in the alchemy of my life, and clay. from 2010 to 2012 (191 posts)

 First post was here.


When I look back on these photos I'm so glad I've been continuing to make things, and maybe improve my skills!

Here's the post as I switched from first edition to the current one.  I returned to the Clay Studio (as you already gathered if you read here frequently) and grew a thicker skin, perhaps, or maybe the people who were less respectful either left of changed.

 I had already started (2008) and finished (date unknown) another blog "Goddess in Clay" which no longer is accessible for myself as an editor, though unfortunately it's still available through a google search.  Be careful what you put out there! It may just exist many years after you want it to! I am embarrassed by these sculptures.

My other more recent blogs were:

1) WHEN I WAS 69 (PERSONAL ARCHIVES) from 2012-2015 (672 posts)

 Here is where I shared many stories and research for my ancestors.

Wendens Ambo Village, Essex, England, (not Birch, Essex, Eng)


2) Living in Black Mountain, NC - sharing my photographs of the the beauty of western North Carolina. from 2013-2015 (786  posts)


And I sneak in at least one weekly blog about my ancestors, or something else historical. Usually this is my Friday post for Sepia Saturday.

And Black Mountain is certainly part of my posts, though I don't give "tours" for visitors any more here.

Anyway, here I am, having faithfully blogged at both editions of Alchemy of Clay for 6 years, as well as been an active studio member for the same time, with a few vacations from both here and there.

What does that prove?

That I like both of these activities.
That I see that they do good things for me, and for others sometimes, and maybe even the world.
OK, that last is a bit far fetched.

But going around the world is proven by some of the comments on the blog.  Australia certainly counts.

It humbles me.
That's a good thing.

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