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Monday, June 17, 2024

Seeing the flowers - Part One

 A show that only lasted 3 days...beautiful floral arrangements coordinated with art pieces (paintings, photographs, sculptures.) I was able to bookend my volunteer times from the start of the show, Thursday evening at the Gala party where guests had first chances to purchase the art, and enjoyed foods that were served in another room...then I was at the completion of the show on Saturday afternoon in the gallery where the temperature was kept quite low. I later figured out it was to benefit the floral displays.

Art in Bloom '24

This had to be my favorite floral display! And I learned the hanging ropey flower is amaranth!

Sorry about window reflections in the glass over the photograph.

Sorry, I cropped the painting. But the rest shows behind me in my selfie...

This shot doesn't do justice to the brilliant gold and reflective colors in the raku ceramic by Steven Forbes-de Soule.

I'll finish up sharing the art and flowers tomorrow.


  1. ...thanks for showiing me around, I wish that I had been able to be there.

    1. The floral displays took so much more attention when I had time to appreciate them!

  2. Cute selfie! I love all the art work and the floral arrangements are beautiful. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week!

    1. Thanks Eileen...these floral displays were so "right on" with the paintings/sculptures/photos they matched. Incredible work.

  3. I so wish I could have been there. Beautiful!!!

    1. This display was the best I've ever seen! Would have loved to have you be here too!


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