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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Sunshine and birds again

I've never seen this bug-eyed look before
Harvesting day, to take these lovelies to the Tailgate Market.  I donated them to the Mudbuddiess Booth.  There were a lot of disappointed bees.

I was still not clear of antibiotics which make it really uncomfortable to be in the sun.  So I had to get there early!.

Pat Levi's tall vase.
(I heard it sold with the flowers in it!)

I think this pitcher was made by Marsha Cozart.

I suggested that they give flowers to customers who bought a pot.  I don't know how that went.  Maybe the mudbuddies took some of the flowers home with them!  I'm just glad to share them.  I went home and took a nap.

Though many of my feeder's visitors looked like juveniles or females, this ruby throat sure zapped the camera as he flew away.  I think getting this much captured made my day!

Sorry about quality.  Taken with Nikon this time, but through double-paned glass and a screen.  Pretty difficult to get good images.

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