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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Thursday, July 20, 2017

Hummer visitors

The thing about sitting around getting well, is lots of sitting around!  Looking at a humming bird whenever she comes to the feeder.

Last night she would sing a bit as she ate!

My dear friend, Panther, also likes to see them, but they become very fast when they notice her in the window.  Good instinct but not needed because of the distance between them.

Today the shutter speed just wasn't fast enough to show the little gal who came at least 10 times...these were the best pics that I could get with the phone.  Sorry.


  1. Hummers are fascinating little fliers. We haven't found where ours are nesting this year, but the love my petunias.

    toes crossed that your recouperation goes smoothly!

  2. Thanks gz and smartcat! I did get out the good camera and tried capturing the speedy wings, but nobody visited in the 15 min. I was sitting there, and I'm not dedicated that much to get out the tripod! Am feeling better every day!

  3. I have yet to get a hummer in a photo, I think just clicking the button over and over might be more successful, they go to my lantana and my sugar peas and others, so ethereal, one woman from australia told me they don't have hummers there, I learn something every day from nature. Hope your health improves; I've been trying to manage my bp, not as easy as it sounds.


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