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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Sunday, July 23, 2017

Old entertainment and baby fowl

The source of many a program which would get a family to gather 'round.
The Texaco Radio Hour, Amos and Andy, Jack Benny, Red Skelton, The Lone Ranger, Gracey Allen and George Burns, and many many more! Do you have radio (pre-TV) memories?

For Sepia Saturday (HERE) to remind us of times when entertainment meant we could see the things depicted by this sailing family with their rabbit-eared TV.  Here in the land of the free we no longer get free TV reception, but have to pay for someone to beam it into their box in our homes.

Today I have some baby fowl to share with you...first the Canada Goose family, with a couple of fluffy goslings at the foot of a column on the picnic pavilion...can you make them out?  It was really hard, because of course those are very wary parents!

Not sure why the goslings are sitting in a puddle, but they look like they were cold.

 And here were a couple of baby swifts...there tucked into the beams under the Senior Center's porch.
Located at the junction of where porch changes direction, the beams seemed just right for the Swift family, who returns to nest here every year.

A quieter area, but not the choice for the nest, also under the porch.

Nest is in far left upper corner
I'm guessing 3 mouths open wide...
I tried watching and standing further away, but parents waited until I was gone completely, as well as people walking their dogs.


  1. It is good that the beams are still wood. Some wood soffits here are being replaced by we have lost the Martins as mud doesn't stick.

  2. Who needs TV when you can watch nature like this? Lovely!

  3. Geese - both Mom & Dad - are super protective of their young & will go after anyone coming close to the little ones with such zest the encroacher most often says "Um, sorry, excuse me." and veers off in another direction else risk getting nipped and those nips don't feel good! As for the sweet little Swifts in their next - cute, but they probably make a mess. We had robins who nested in the crook of our downspout for a couple of years running. So fun to watch the little ones, but the mess they made wasn't so fun to clean up.

    1. Yes, that happens when nature and "people" meet.

  4. Wow, that is quite the nest those swifts have made!

  5. Live the baby geese!

    When I was very young, my grandparents and I would listen to Hop-along Cassidy and the Lone Ranger and Roy Rogers -- ah, the memories!

    1. Yes! I'd forgotten Hop-along, and of course I loved Roy and Dale Evans!

  6. If this is the park in Black Mountain, we considered it as a venue for my son's wedding last summer. The price was a bargain, but the bird poop was a deal breaker!

    1. I'm not sure how they clean it up for the weekly concert in the park on Thurs. nights, but everyone's sitting on blankets or their stadium chairs. I know the rest of the time I walk carefully!


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