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Friday, July 7, 2017

Mom's post cards from her pen-pal 1938 (Two)

I'm happy that these boats will reflect somewhat on the theme over at Sepia Saturday this week!...go check out what other Sepians have come up with!.
Note the Sepia Saturday boat in the background!

My mother in San Antonio Texas was receiving these post cards, not through direct mail, but inside envelopes of some kind.  Then she wrote the date and where and who they were from on the backs...thus this one is listed from Birmingham, England, Hazel Autley, 5/38.
A church in Birmingham is interesting to be posted from Hazel.  Was this after my mother met the Rogers family, who were very active in Christian Science?  Was her pen-pal, Hazel also interested in this religion which spoke of how the same source of healing which Jesus had used could be available to people in modern days?  Yes, as I read the back of the card.  Now I know Hazel also had the Christian Science connection.

"I got this picture of Carrs Lane church because regular broadcasts are made.  It's associated with the Christian Science Monitor, and one of the regular speakers is in Los Angeles at the moment."  apparently in Hazel's hand.
My mother dated it "10/38, H. Autley."

I don't know the significance of the speaker being  "in Los Angeles at the moment" but there were lectures given often about the religion.  The Christian Science Monitor is still around as a conservative newspaper from Boston, MA.  To know that Birmingham England gave regular broadcasts shows the level of interest at that time and place of this religion.  I would guess that the broadcasts were of the lectures, rather than Sunday services.

Carrs Lane Church FYI
The church was founded as an independent chapel in 1748[3] and then enlarged in 1812 at a cost of £2,000 to seat 600 people. A further enlargement was undertaken in 1820 to designs by the architect Thomas Stedman Whitwell, which was then re-fronted by Yeoville Thomason in 1876. The church became part of the Congregational Union in 1832.
The current building was begun in 1968 by Denys Hinton and Partners and completed in 1971. It became part of the United Reformed Church when the Presbyterian and Congregational churches merged in 1972. The church bears a blue plaque erected by Birmingham Civic Society in 1995 to commemorate Dr R. W. Dale, minister at Carrs Lane from 1854 until his death, and prominent preacher of the "Civic Gospel".
Since the closure of the Methodist Central Hall, Birmingham, the building has been shared with the Methodist Congregation, as a local ecumenical partnership under the name "The Church at Carrs Lane" noted as having the largest free-standing cross in the country.[2][4]
Source Wikepedia

Carrs Lane Church, April 2011

Today's Quote:

Peace, like most beautiful things, begins small.
Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals

1 comment:

  1. Apologies, I inadvertently removed all the comments that have been made, thinking I was just taking them out of the list of comments "published" and instead they disappeared from the blogs. Oops!


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