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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The people who also marched with me!

Pat, Mike and Deena

Dawn and Roberta

Diane and Ginni

Anga, just met her at the march

Annie Hall
Dawn's recycled patch from the 70s
Cindi on left

Ann in purple jacket and straw bonnet with Pam in black with orange shoes
Who else was there? Susan, Mamie, Susan, Diana, Diane, Su, Bill, and Sarah just remember having seen a few friends that I didn't capture with camera.  Out of 700 or so, I was glad to know so many.

some relatives in DC!

Byron Ballard with her pitchfork in Asheville
Friends in DC

Here's an extension of the energies we shared, but I had trouble with "sharing this link on Facebook" and ended up getting it repeated about 30 times before I declared it was spam.  I like the idea however, and have started calling and emailing to DC, to the GAO, a non-partisan government organization, as well as congress and the white house.  Phone calls were frustrating so I'm going to do post cards.
But ultimately, the strength of our movement will depend on what we do next -- the powerful bonds we build with our fellow marchers, and how loudly we make our voices heard in the next days, weeks, months and years.
That's why we're launching a new campaign: 10 Actions for the First 100 Days.
Join us:
Bear statues join in wearing a "pussy hat"

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Lisa Rough's close up
In case you think I'm saying something offensive by calling these pink hats by that name, I will quote what started all this hoopla by women. A  quote by President Trump which he says is "locker room talk."  I and many women think there is no room in our lives for a President who has expressed his feelings so graphically.

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So to promote women's ownership of their own pussies, which they probably don't call by that term, the march was especially promoted around how women don't like his crass and demeaning opinion of them, and many of us think he doesn't even understand the term misogynist.

Today's Quote:  (It would have to be very profound to make you forget the one above by the President.)

“People seem not to see that their opinion is a confession of their character.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson, Poet / Transcendentalist.

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