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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Sunday, December 11, 2016

Saying goodbye to an era (my own)

It's another ending in my life.
A decision that was gradual coming, but each time I considered it, the benefits outweighed the stasis.
That is not to say it was easy.
That is definitely not to say I didn't have stress coming to this point.

I'm resigning my position as a co-op member of the Mud Buddies who sell pottery at the Tailgate Market here in Black Mountain NC every Saturday morning during the spring, summer and fall.

I said out loud to a friendly crowd in church that I felt that my 94 year old body couldn't do what my 14 year old mind wanted to do. NOTE, I'm only 74, and many people confronted me on pretending to be 20 years older.  But I THOUGHT I actually said 74.

Anyway, I was standing  in front of this group after two days of selling.  And my breathing during the evening and night following that said WHOA!  So my lungs told my mouth to say 94, apparently.

And I also described the feeling of jumping off a cliff, into an abyss, like the Fool card in the Tarot Deck.  I'm trusting the universe to show me a new way to live, to sell my pottery.  Because I'm still making it!

I hope that something opens up.  But for now I've got several orders to fill, and that is enough to keep me busy until the end of the year!

Today's Quote:

Within us is the soul of the whole, the wise silence, the universal beauty, the eternal One.
Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. You all seem to be such good friends that it must have been a very difficult decision!
    Given your talent, I'm sure you will find ways of selling your work.

  2. Thanks Suzi. Im hoping to remain friends with the Mud Buddies.

  3. I was so afraid you were going to say you were no longer going to work in clay! Relieved to hear that wasn't the decision. Is there a co-op gallery in your area that you could get into? It's much easier to gallery sit inside and not have to lug work back and forth. I enjoyed belonging to a co-op and working my shifts. The only reason we gave it up was the financial set up of paying the bills wasn't equitable to all the members.

    1. I've got a few pieces on consignment in the Depot Gallery, but didn't have time to be part of the co-op sales volunteers. Maybe in 2017...

  4. Selling like that is really hard -- physically and spiritually. As a veteran of many book fairs, I know that trying to stay cheerful as people walk by and dismiss your work is hard.

    The suggestion of the co-op gallery is good -- your work has grown so much over the years I've been following your blog -- I'm glad to hear you aren't abandoning the clay.

    1. Me, too! I love the clay, and still need to get better at making things! I am an ongoing clay process.

  5. Every time I load the van after a show I wonder how much longer I can do it. Good luck.


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