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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Lake Tomahawk for a pair of Canada Geese

Only one couple in the whole lake.  And I'd already walked all the way around and was beneath the overhang from the veranda at the Lakeview Center when I discovered I'm a voyeur.

This couple of geese decided they didn't care if it was 11 am on Monday...they wanted to make some baby geese.

I had my phone out to take pics already, and then just stood there in the shadows and clicked away, while Mr. Goose made sure his mate didn't drown, as he took his time having his way with her.   Well, it was only 1 minute, and I did take about 20 photos, which I'll only post the clearer ones for your (admit it) curiosity.

I bet you've seen lots of birds mating.  I haven't.

She's swimming off stage right!

Quote for today:

Since we probably know ourselves better than anyone else does, then we may very well be the best person to ask for advice when we are in a quandary. One interesting exercise is to try asking for advice from your past and future selves. There is the younger self that you used to be and the older, more mature self that you will become.  Madisyn Taylor


  1. I really like to see Canada geese. We now have them as a wild bird in our area so we do see them year round.

  2. I hope you get to see the goslings

    1. There have already been a few, but like I said, no other geese were out at that time of day, so I didn't see any little guys. They usual eat around dawn, then go rest during the day. Except this wild and crazy couple.

  3. I feel like I've just watched an episode of Nature :) Your photo takes great photos!

    1. Hi Denise...I just was in the right spot when it happened, and right afterwards there were all these people walking along the path...who knows what would have happened to the loving couple...

  4. Ducks and farm animals are unabashedly public about their sex drives. Animals just don't know they are supposed to be more Victorian about it all :) -- barbara


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