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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Ladybug crept into it

While I continue to heal, and I find that about an hour outside my home is my limit for ventures, I at least had some newer work at the Tailgate market this weekend.

 Medium size bowl with some fun added to the rim, inside and out!

Cough is slightly improving with lots of Musinex, and the steroid treatment is halfway itchy skin isn't so bad if I stay out of direct sunshine, the nervous feelings that even make my hands shake when trying to hold a book, my swollen tongue and awful taste in mouth...well, you know there are side-effects from drugs.  That this treatment for the coughing has negated the recent success I had treating another condition leaves me frustrated.   If you know what IBS is, then you know how very much it isn't fun to live with.  So I try not to whine...unless there's cheese to go with it and it's been chilled.


  1. Sorry you are not well but gosh! The bowl is perfecto!

    1. Thanks for your comment...I'm on my way over to read your blog now!

  2. those lady bugs are just the ticket and the butterfly turned out beautiful, get well soon.

    1. Thanks Linda, it is so good to hear from you almost daily. Blogging buddies are great!

  3. The ladybug bowl is charming. I would have a hard time parting with that one!
    Sympathies on IBS, antibiotics and all do terrible things to our bodies! If the disease doesn't kill you, the cure will! Toes crossed that it's not that drastic and that all is well soon.
    P.S. Love your header photo!

    1. Thanks for your wishes, and your understanding. I struggle and then wonder why not just let this out in public, it's just another of life's processes...just like making pottery, only living through stuff.


Thanks for your comments...