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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Monday, September 15, 2014

Come see the Monarchs

National Geographic offers a photograph of one, on Milkweed plant.

The Black Mountain Center for the Arts offers a gallery of monarchs, in different media, as well as a special talk about them. (see below for time for the opening reception and other community events).

One of my ceramic wall hangings.  White stoneware with glazes.

Wall hanging pillow of monarch butterfly.  Stoneware with glazes.

Detail of wall pillow glaze work.

Bring Back the Monarchs!

Community-wide Awareness Event (9/18-10/3)

On Sept. 23, 24 & 25, various groups of area students will immitate the Monarch Migration as they carry both colorful and ghostly monarchs through the downtown, from the Town Square to the Center for the Arts.

•  Thursday, Sept. 18 at 6pm:   Opening Reception for our Special Monarch Gallery Exhibit followed in the theatre by a multi-media program by guest Naturalist Ina Warren. Warren is a freelance naturalist, lecturer, educator and author of the Monarch and Milkweed Almanac. With Dr. Gary Paul Nabhan, she co-facilitates the monarch-milkweed recovery initiative called “Make Way for Monarchs.”   The exhibit will be on display through Oct. 3.

•  Tuesday, Sept. 23 at 10 am:  Students from the Black Mountain Primary School will perform their Monarch Migration beginning at the Town Square.

• Wednesday, Sept. 24 at noon:  Students from the The Learning Community will perform their Monarch Migration beginning at the Town Square.

•  Thursday, Sept. 25 at noon:  Students from the ArtSpace Charter School will perform their Monarch Migration beginning at the Town Square.

•  Friday, Sept. 26 at noon:   Brown Bag Series by Tina Barr  -  Monarch’s Reign & other Butterflies in Poetry. Free to the public.

• Friday, Sept. 26, 10 am – 4 pm:  Painting the Monarch workshop by Lorelle Bacon.  Call to register:  $95 includes all supplies.


  1. OH YOUR drawings are SO perfect, this one especially!

  2. beautiful, we found out it isn't that far to Asheville form our house if we go through the Natahala canyon, so hopefully I can come visit one of these days when we get back.


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