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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Good market day

I often post in my moments before the market, but forget to give you feedback about the event itself.

Black Mountain, NC is in the lull between the summer tourists and the Leaf-peeping tourists...for another couple of weeks.  It's fabulous weather (58 degrees F. at 9 am, due to be in 70s later).  And the shops, the Blue Ridge Parkway, and vegetable stands are reasonable now.

Big green bowl in the center with piercings went to it's forever home yesterday
Pottery?  Great as usual...but not selling at quite the summertime rate.  Yesterday we had some sales, and I'm so grateful.

The orchid tumbler (wine red) on the left is now in someone's gift basket.

I enjoyed the bounties that we shared, purchasing some lovely gluten-free brownies, some fresh shrimp, and delicious organic locally-grown tomatoes.


  1. The lull between tourist seasons is something we look forward to. The peace of being able to go out without encountering mobs of rude people is blissful!
    Glad to read that you had a good day. It's such a lift when people buy your stuff!

    1. Oh my, mobs of rude people, that is truly the problem with tourists. May all those folks go to Disneyworld!


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