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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Tailgators - Mudbuddies last week

The 5 Mud Buddies had great sales last week, Saturday 9-12.

It was also fabulous weather, low humidity and low temperatures for July 5.  Incredible blessing of Hurricane Arthur.  Sometimes the weather surprises you in a good way.

Both sides of my space.

Bette Potter Jones shared magnets, pendants and raku pottery.

Pat Levi with berry bowls, sponge holders, pendants and soap dishes, as well as other pottery.

Marsha Cozart had mugs, a great platter, berry bowl and her basket of "soap dishes or whatever..."
Her chicken roaster (center with the container place for beer or spices) was commented upon, as well as her 2 traditional style butter dishes.

Cathy Babula had some lovely bowls, cruets with a saucer for spiced oil for bread dipping, and this lovely scraffito piece (see yesterday's post).  One gentleman brought his wife back to see it, but she preferred 3 of Cathy's "well priced" bowls. 


  1. what a great group of pottery friends you have, I too enjoyed the bit of cooler weather that blew in

    1. Yep, and now it's back to regular July weather. Oh well, shade and lemonade are key words!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, so glad you like it! I think of you practically as a neighbor.

  3. Hi neighbor, The pottery in the photograph on my blog is from Melting Mountain Pottery. The potter is Joey Sheehan and his studio is in Asheville. The pots are beautifully glazed. Very interesting to feel as well as see.


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