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Friday, July 18, 2014

A tree mug going full circle

One version of my tree mugs
One of our former Mud Budies, is still part of the clay community here in Black Mountain.  Elise Reed is a volunteer for Open Studio on Sundays at BMCA clay studio.  And she and I were having a conversation a couple of months ago...that she was looking for a temp job over the summer, since she teaches art during the year.

I had just that morning seen on FaceBook, a posting of a camp looking for someone who knows clay.  I am pretty sure it was on the Clay Club...perhaps just as a blog notice.  Anyway, I gave the info right off my phone to Elise, and she applied.

The rest of the story, well, she was just right for the job, and she loves it.

But more to bring it full circle.  Yesterday she posted this picture on FB.

She shared it because, when she'd been in the kitchen of the woman in charge of the camp, she found my mug.  And the back story must have been shared as well, because by the time she told me where it was, there were 20 "likes." 

I had connected her to get the job at the camp, and someone there had bought one of my tree mugs.  I thanked her, and was grateful for good things going full circle.


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