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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Geometry approximati

 I like geometric shapes, but not mathematically accurate.  I never use patterns to cut my slab shapes.

They are approximations...I would say (more sounding like Latin that really being correct) approximati.

Or would it be approximates?

Anyway, the flat backs are something I'm having some issues with.  I tossed out a couple that had warped badly.  Maybe the raised shapes are the best idea.  Funny, that's what I started with, and I thought these could be more delicate.  Well, they certainly do require different handling.

I pressed the 2 sunshine shapes between wallboard for a couple of days, but their tips still wanted to curl.  Then I painted them with wax, hoping they would be less inclined to dry faster than the middles.  They've been under plastic for 2 days now.  So I shall go to the studio soon and see how they are doing.  (The plastic, rather than continuing the wallboard, is because I've now merged the pocket with the backing, and it's three dimensional.)

Monday, July 28, 2014

Delightful sale

I am sorry to see the vase on the right leave home...but on the other hand, I'm delighted that it's going to go live with my cousin in Arizona.

Yay family that likes pottery!  Thanks so much, Patricia!  I'm so glad to have you back in my life after forty something (ahem) years.

In my usual sharing of how things are made...the bottom is wheel thrown, then the top part is made of pieces of slab that are pinched and smoothed together.  The glazing is a bit of Stroke and Coat for the color highlights then some nutmeg and clear glazes sponged over everything.  Interior is just clear, which shows the Little Loafers' shade of warm white stoneware.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

tabs set

If you should hover your cursor over the words just below my header, you might find I've updated my tabs.

Take a moment and see them, and let me know what you think.  Thanks!

PS, I'm also asking folks to be my friend on FaceBook at Barbara Rogers, Alchemy of Clay.  Then I can post more things over there, which might just be available to more folks than my dear blogger friends.  Not that I don't love you, but when thinking of sharing pottery, the more people that see it, the better!

And if that leads you to the wrong link, let me know.  I'm kind of stuck, cause when I look for the link to it, it gives me my "personal page" rather than the posting one.  Confusing!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Cat paws

She has passed here.

I love the way the matt bronze green has little crystals forming in it, and the shiny white and pink paw prints contrast not only in color but in texture.  Fun!

Incidentally, I updated my tabs above the posts (right under the title) so more recent pieces are displayed.  It would be really great if you contacted me to buy whatever your hearts desired!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Moon dancer plate

I tried slip trailing onto leather hard clay, and the slip trailer kept getting clogged up with clay.  I guess I've gotten used to a technique that works on bisque-ware.  I do love Mayco Stroke n' Coat glazes for the detail work, but it's a pain to put 3 coats on of each color.  I probably will limit the amount of color I least the Stroke n' Coat colors.

Friday, July 18, 2014

A tree mug going full circle

One version of my tree mugs
One of our former Mud Budies, is still part of the clay community here in Black Mountain.  Elise Reed is a volunteer for Open Studio on Sundays at BMCA clay studio.  And she and I were having a conversation a couple of months ago...that she was looking for a temp job over the summer, since she teaches art during the year.

I had just that morning seen on FaceBook, a posting of a camp looking for someone who knows clay.  I am pretty sure it was on the Clay Club...perhaps just as a blog notice.  Anyway, I gave the info right off my phone to Elise, and she applied.

The rest of the story, well, she was just right for the job, and she loves it.

But more to bring it full circle.  Yesterday she posted this picture on FB.

She shared it because, when she'd been in the kitchen of the woman in charge of the camp, she found my mug.  And the back story must have been shared as well, because by the time she told me where it was, there were 20 "likes." 

I had connected her to get the job at the camp, and someone there had bought one of my tree mugs.  I thanked her, and was grateful for good things going full circle.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Computer and slip trailing

OK, I won't rant at ya...just know I'm among the many out there with computer woes today.

Upgrades always leave us worse off, so why do we do them?  I took 4 months before I finally did it, and I'm SORRY.

Slip new pens...tried them with fantastic results.  THen got a new "matt clear" to put on top of things.  Not at all matt.  And I think it's why one of the slip trailers messed up.

In case you haven't noticed, all the heavy lines look like crayons that melted.

Spectrum underglaze black, which worked fine on my first plate (see header, some of the heavy lines on the plate are that and some are Raised Black, but with our studio clear shiny glaze.)

All the heavy lines on this new piece are the underglaze black, and the clear is all the  Matt (ha ha ha) clear.

They were both fired on the same schedule as well.

Monday, July 14, 2014

MudBuddies are happy this week!

Our sales were great on Saturday.
We had fabulous weather, it may have gotten close to 80 by noon when we closed...but there were those great cool mountain breezes too.

More people came by our booth steadily than we often have.  It was great to see such interest in pottery.

Our member, Cathy came down with a cold, so I'm sending her some healing energy before she takes the duty next weekend with Pat.  Pat and I were working our booth for the last 2 weeks.  Being a co-op of 5 potters has meant we only each have to work about half the weekends of the summer.  Not bad.

I've had some disappointments from the kiln this week...glazes and more glazes that just let me down.  But it's all a learning opportunity, right?

Now I've got to work on paying my quarterly sales taxes.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Gone Fishing? (Tailgating)

The various relatives used to go tailgating before a big football or soccer game.  Do people still do that?

My kind of Tailgating is off in a grassy area under some big old oak trees, and under cute little canopies...with tables of pottery...and eatables, and other crafts...all local.

Support the local economy.  You probably already make an effort to do that. 

Yep, there's another of my new wall-pillows...and I've got 6 more thrown that are smaller and white clay.

This is a mid-way done shot of the glazing process for a plate.  Much more slip-trailing to be done...and remember the glazes will darken down with firing.  Just thought I'd tease you!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Lugging it around

OK, my blog buddy Gary Rith is taking off for a pottery show up in Ithica.  He reminded me of the fun of lugging pottery out for a show.
And my neighbor Sarah Vekasi is taking her pottery downtown to Asheville's Big Crafty show this weekend on Pack Square.

Is it really worth lugging all that weight from trunk and back of cars, carrying it and setting it up, then wrapping whatever doesn't sell and taking it back home again?

At the end of the day it makes me want to throw a pot...and I don't mean on the wheel.  I want to throw something and break it against a wall.

Why did I make it thinking it would be in someone else's hands someday, feeding them?  Why did I think that person unknown would have eyes that light up when they see it?  Oh I am a deluded potter.

But I keep on doing this...because almost every Saturday morning, someone does chose one of my functional pieces and go home with them.  They will either snuggle it into their lives, or give it to someone else with hope of it being appreciated.

The dream continues.  And what other exercise do I get anyway?  Well, the wheel going round under my hands with a lump of clay forming up into a shape that've got it.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Monarch is queen

Female Monarch butterfly on wall hang on the wall.  Not functional...just a reminder of our beautiful friends that are no longer as prevalent because their favorite plants, milkweed, have been almost destroyed by the farmers spraying Monsanto weed killers on fields.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Tailgators - Mudbuddies last week

The 5 Mud Buddies had great sales last week, Saturday 9-12.

It was also fabulous weather, low humidity and low temperatures for July 5.  Incredible blessing of Hurricane Arthur.  Sometimes the weather surprises you in a good way.

Both sides of my space.

Bette Potter Jones shared magnets, pendants and raku pottery.

Pat Levi with berry bowls, sponge holders, pendants and soap dishes, as well as other pottery.

Marsha Cozart had mugs, a great platter, berry bowl and her basket of "soap dishes or whatever..."
Her chicken roaster (center with the container place for beer or spices) was commented upon, as well as her 2 traditional style butter dishes.

Cathy Babula had some lovely bowls, cruets with a saucer for spiced oil for bread dipping, and this lovely scraffito piece (see yesterday's post).  One gentleman brought his wife back to see it, but she preferred 3 of Cathy's "well priced" bowls. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Summer greetings from BMCA clay

A gentle rise from the clay studio up to the back door of the Black Mountain Center for the Arts.

The Clay Studio building is a great place to work...though it's not the heart of the BMCA.  (Just don't tell any of our potters that, however!)

Today is Thursday, so that means I'm the Open Studio monitor...kind of a resident potter, there to see that nobody gets into a clay fight.  However, glaze drips on the floor are another matter entirely!

Here are some links you might like to chase if you have a moment.

Black Mountain Center for the Arts


and BMCA Clay Studio Blog

and of course my other blog Living in Black Mountain  

Coming up in another week is Maureen's Adult Clay Camp.


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Glaze step 1 Mandala wall hangings

Most of the work was done with slip trailing devices - thus the sheet of paper with test runs
Butterfly has a raised black slip, and I'm not sure that will work...but I'll see
I will next cover the whole thing with clear glaze, except the 4 quadrant lines and the edges near the bottom, which will be bare clay.  Since this is stoneware, I think that will give a nice contrast to the glazed areas.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Mandala wall hangings

A pillow form for hanging on a wall.  Now to paint glazes on it, slip trailing and brushing colors.  There's a smaller form as well.  And I hope that once I get started (that seems to be the problem today) I'll do some more clay work upon which to continue this design idea.  Mandalas with stained glass coloration, and the tiny crackle details like batik painting.