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Sunday, December 1, 2019

Perhaps a save...perhaps a fail

 A sad looking glaze with celadon leaves in the nutmeg background. Usually netmeg glaze is a nice flat brown, but while it's doing this fun variation, I thought some leaves would look good. NOT. These are awful. And before I use perfectly good bowls to grow plants (the last resort for my failed bowls...maybe I can re-glaze them.

So I added some Maco glaze (Jaded) on the leaves (2 coats) and then designer liner little details...different colors. The nutmeg probably will stay the same. We shall see.

And the first two have come out of the kiln...

 The white kind of went blurry, but it's ok with all the other changes.

I only did this one with just black accents...and it of course is my favorite. Oh well.  2 more to come out tomorrow probably (written on Nov 22)

And on the 23rd..these are the other 2.

I like them all in all, and am often not successful with re-glazes.


  1. Well saved!
    Nice header photo

    1. Thanks. I love seeing your NZ photos....but don't know what most of them are.

  2. ...I like the them best before you reglazed them.

    1. Mmm, you already know my opinion. But if I could do it over, I think I'd skip the curlycues.

  3. Nice save. In the early versions the leaves look unfinished. The deatailing brings them forward rather that feeling like they are sinking into the glaze. Like the different ways you enhanced them.

    1. Thanks, I don't like that I do curly cues on's my history coming out I guess.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, I hope they are salable. I've got a Pottery Market next weekend in Marion NC.

  5. I liked both variations but what do I know, love the full moon photo


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