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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Sunday, September 8, 2019

Working on Hecate

I may build little figures, some animals, some angels, some goddesses.  I made a Hecate a few months ago, but didn't quite like the way the stain/glaze came out.  I kept staring at her, knowing something had to be done, because if I didn't like her, I'd eventually destroy her (as I did Athena and a couple of other attempts that failed badly.)

Yes those are cutouts in her skirt. She can have a small candle placed under her through a hole in the base.

I've used acrylics to paint the colors thinly over the tones of the stain, but have left the staff and the cup as it originally looked.

I haven't decided whether to do more painting...perhaps a stain on the cobblestones, or the grassy area on the base.


  1. oh my goodness she turned out wonderfully

  2. It is a very nice figure. Somehow it will turn out very well.

  3. Hello, I think you did a beautiful job. The face looks wonderful. Have a happy day!

  4. Linda - Thanks, glad you like it!
    Nancy - Thank you - I'm still looking at it about the last work to do...
    Eileen - Thanks. I was working on the face a long time...but still want to do a few final touche.

  5. Vicki - Thanks, I'm beginning to like her much more!
    Michele - Thanks, it means a lot to hear that from another artist in clay!


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