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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Friday, September 6, 2019

Glazing like Georgia

O'Keefe that is! Her poppies...or my version of them....

Onto plates this time.

This was just before coating the with a couple of layers of clear matte glaze.  They will be sort of creamy colored, with hopefully brilliant red flowers.

In case you wondered...first the yellow in the center is over a layer of black, so it probably will be black with a few specks of yellow where it was thinner.  The little dots will probably blend in.  That's the plan anyway.

And why did I make 3 plates, you might ask.  Because one had a crack, so there aren't 4. And I plan to only use 2 for the show at the Red House next week.

And when they are glaze fired, they'll shrink a bit more, and be nice sandwich plates.


  1. its fun to see the before and after; I put my underglaze and stains on greenware because I always think I may smear the underglaze, amazed how you do it.

  2. Glad to see you doing the poppies! It seems like us potters always end up with odd numbers of things.

  3. Linda - I am amazed you paint glaze on greenware, though I know those who do Majaloca do too. I find that if I get a blob going where I don't want it on bisqueware I can just scrape it off with an exacto blade. And I don't have to worry about how dry or damp the clay is.
    Michele- You are so right about having odd numbers of things, thanks to the breakages that happen.
    Carolyn - thanks for your comment. Fingers crossed that they look ok when fired!

  4. I love the off center placement of the poppies.

  5. I'm dying to see these finished, I bet they are vibrant colours!

  6. Vicki - Thanks...I kept wondering how to decorate and yet let the food be primary...this is my attempt.
    Shammickite - Me too. Hope the glazes work. I'll be looking to see if the kiln has been fired by our manager by Mon. afternoon!


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