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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect!

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Friday, September 27, 2019

When the cat's away...

 but while I'm on the road...these pottery students are hard at work still!

This is the last piece I put in to be glaze fired before packing my bags...

I'll be posting some of my visiting photos, of course, of museums, galleries, and scenery!

Today's Quote:
You must have shadow and light source both. Listen, and lay your head under the tree of awe.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

sculptor's video

A wonderful sculptor...check out a short video HERE>

I still haven't learned how to post videos to blogger...but the link will take you to her website.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Carved leaves on the bowl edges

I shared the serving bowls before they were trimmed, and now they're carved and waiting to bisque fire.

 The unicorn dragon in the background is also mine...I've had some fun creating humorous creatures lately! But another potter made the brown clay tall piece and the floral piece.

I think I'll glaze them in nutmeg, which will give the carving just a little definition.

This show the trimmed bottom of the deepest one. Of course there will still be 15 % shrinkage in the 2 firings.

Friday, September 20, 2019

At the Old Depot

Finally got myself in gear, and loaded up a bunch of pots to replenish my display at the Old Depot.  I hope you can see them in well as all the other wonderful crafts there! It's a great little venue for everything imaginable...all hand crafted. I also renewed my annual membership. It's a co-op, and I may start working there one of these far I let other's get the discounts on their percentage of sales fees...and I hope that I can sell a bit more in the next few months. It's been a rather slow summer.

My three shelve full of bowls, vases, jars, mugs, cups, sculpted cat and dragon even.

And here's a thought for the day! (I have forgotten that I liked sharing these, so maybe I'll remember to do it again some of the time.)

As the days grow shorter, we tend to acknowledge the changing season without understanding that we, too, are in transition.
Madisyn Taylor at Daily Om

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Poppy plates

These are the first 2 sandwich plates. I see major flaws, but won't talk about them.

They are cheerful looking at least. I would love a sandwich and veggies on one.
 I like the shape of them, with a rim that gradually climbs.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Serving bowls

Waiting to be trimmed, so their bases are a bit smaller.  Then some carving along those inviting edges, I think.

I finished my bag of clay today...except for the couple of pounds that will come off the bottoms of these pots, to be recycled into "what?"

Sunday, September 15, 2019

More of the opening at the Red House Gallery

I haven't had a chance to look closely at everything. The opening wasn't quite as crowded as previous ones have been. But then, I did see some friends that I hadn't seen at openings before!

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Opening Reception

Every time a galley has an opening of a show, there's usually a reception.

The Red House Gallery is no exception!

A portion of all sales will go to Appalachian Sustanable Agricultural Products - ASAP.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Red House Gallery opening

Sept. 13, 5-7 pm
310 W. State St.
Black Mountain, NC 28711

There's plenty of parking next to the Monte Vista Hotel, as well as in back of the Red House...though it's a bit smaller as many artists will be parking there!

Our next show is titled "Food: The Unlimited Palate."

Proceeds (20%) of sales will go to Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project (ASAP). Their mission is "to help local farms thrive, link farmers to markets and supporters, and build healthy communities through connections to local food."

And of course the reception during the opening will have yummy snacks and beverages.

This show runs through Nov. 4th.

Here's a preview of what I'll be showing:

PS, I decided to keep publishing this "art related"'s an area of my life that is so important to share!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Working on Hecate

I may build little figures, some animals, some angels, some goddesses.  I made a Hecate a few months ago, but didn't quite like the way the stain/glaze came out.  I kept staring at her, knowing something had to be done, because if I didn't like her, I'd eventually destroy her (as I did Athena and a couple of other attempts that failed badly.)

Yes those are cutouts in her skirt. She can have a small candle placed under her through a hole in the base.

I've used acrylics to paint the colors thinly over the tones of the stain, but have left the staff and the cup as it originally looked.

I haven't decided whether to do more painting...perhaps a stain on the cobblestones, or the grassy area on the base.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Glazing like Georgia

O'Keefe that is! Her poppies...or my version of them....

Onto plates this time.

This was just before coating the with a couple of layers of clear matte glaze.  They will be sort of creamy colored, with hopefully brilliant red flowers.

In case you wondered...first the yellow in the center is over a layer of black, so it probably will be black with a few specks of yellow where it was thinner.  The little dots will probably blend in.  That's the plan anyway.

And why did I make 3 plates, you might ask.  Because one had a crack, so there aren't 4. And I plan to only use 2 for the show at the Red House next week.

And when they are glaze fired, they'll shrink a bit more, and be nice sandwich plates.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Mandala number two finished glazing

Now all I have to do is make the backing which will allow it to hang on the wall somewhere.

 I'm pleased that the sepia tones warm it up, but there are still black areas to give stronger definition.

 The matte clear glaze is just one coat, lightly applied even at that, and not forced into the carved grooves.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Red House Sitter

This Sunday past, I had the honor of sitting at the desk to greet visitors to the gallery and studios of the Red House. It's proper name is "Swanannoa Valley Fine Arts League."

Here are a few pics that I took, first a studio.  These rooms are all about the same size, whether one artist or several.

 Eileen Ross and Nancy Moore share this studio space...on the ground floor.

 There is a glare on this painting, so don't count the brilliant sun through the trees, it's not really there!

 Best of Show won the most votes from people coming to the last opening reception.

Peggy King had been the morning sitter, and was replenishing a print that she had sold from her studio upstairs.  She and Marilyn Place (at bottom of stairs) had a discussion about events coming up.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

August Angel finished

 I think I've been inspired by cemetery angels.

 She's August Angel. Now will I do other months? Who knows...