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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Thursday, January 17, 2019

What she wore in Galveston 1912

Young woman in Galveston in 1912.

The photo was posted on Facebook, saying they were interested to see what people wore when they went to the beach then.  But Galveston was a thriving port city at that time.  Not that people wouldn't go to the beach, but it wasn't as much a tourist place then.

My grandmother was a young woman in Galveston in 1912.  Well, she had recently married my grandfather, and then a few years after that, she would give birth to my father.  Here's a photo of her in 1906 with her first son, Elmore. She is wearing her wedding dress!


  1. Hello, I love these old photos and the clothes. But, I am glad we have more comfortable clothes to wear now. Enjoy your day and have a happy weekend.

  2. Thanks Eileen for your comment. Since you saw the "young woman in Galveston, I've added the photo of my grandmother.

  3. Great old photos and I love the poppy plate in the header!


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