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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Sunday, January 27, 2019

Brigid, bright and firey one

Candlemas, Imbolc, Brigid's day, Feb 1.  The sheep are beginning to give birth to lambs (according to some accounts) and Brigid helped them.

She was also a smithy, making things of metal, like jewelry, lamps to light the way, and the needed and ornamental metalwork of the country life.

She was a healer, a midwife.

She was a poet.

She taught the Irish to keen when they lost love ones.

She taught them how to whistle, like birds when in ambush in the woods, so the unseen friends could notify each other of coming danger.

She reminds us that women were the ones who invented fire making, and passed the knowledge to their descendants.

This figure's size is just 7 inches tall.


  1. Interesting that Lammas is in February in the southern hemisphere and August in the North...1 August when the Lammas Growth comes on oak trees..and Candlemass is the 1st of February..when the milk comes in for the ewes that are in lamb and when in the North you really notice the lengthening days

  2. You're so's Candlemas and I've changed my first word of the post. I knew I was too sleepy to be writing the blog, and it was one of those slips of the holidays. Of course the seasons are from Western European definitions, though southern hemisphere people have to adjust (if they follow these traditions)

  3. such a strong and earthly woman, once again I love her braid and her gold collar

  4. Hello,

    Wow, I love Brigid. Well done, the details are amazing. Have a happy day and a great new week ahead!


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