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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Thursday, June 2, 2016

Tailgat-ers reminder

In case you live around Black Mountain, or are visiting ...I do hope you'll consider taking home a pot or two for your pleasure, or maybe that of your friends or relations.

Here are some shots of last week's bounty by the five lovely Mud Buddies.

Bette Potter Jones has magnets and wine-bottle lamp well as jewelry and some great square plates.  She took the petunias home to plant last week, however, but left the raku platter and vases.

Pat Levi always has sponge holders (or napkins) as well as mugs and bowls, soap or jewelry dishes, and serving dishes, and salt & pepper shakers.  A dog bowl even comes with some treats (which we share when dogs bring their owners into our booth to look at pottery.)

Marsha Cozart has some lovely baking dishes, soap dishes, mugs of different sizes and shapes, berry bowls, a salt celler with a spoon, and even a planter. You have to walk around both sides of her display to see everything.

Cathy Babula also has 2 sides to her display. Berry bowls, mugs, bowls of various shapes, oil bottles, a sugar/creamer set, and jewelry holders with a ring post and little holes to hang earrings from. She has a consistent glazing combo which is stunning.

I forgot to take any pictures of my display last week.  Must have had a good friend with his dog drop by and got diverted!
Thanks so much for purchasing a whiskey cup, Shelly!

A big thanks goes out to the young woman who purchased two of my black-and-colors bowls.

I'll have some old and some new pots there next week! Come on by (behind the Baptist Church at the corner of Montreat Rd and First St) from 9-noon.


Thanks for your comments...