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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Saturday, June 4, 2016

Dams for Saturday for Sepians

The meme for this week's Sepia Saturday looked very inspiring.

I just couldn't find any of the many waterwheels of which I've taken pictures through the years!

They exist, I love water, rivers, old buildings, checking for how things work, etc.  But I'm the proverbially unorganized photographer. I may try to put the folders into some semblance of order, but when I don't know where waterwheels might be, I'm at a loss.

So I'll try for the next 30 minutes, and then I'll give up.

OK, I found nothing on mills or waterwheels, just a couple of dams and a stream with cairns.

The sluice when Lake Tomahawk had been partially drained (the dock to left has a screw valve to drain it)

Lake Tomahawk's earthen dam (when partially drained)

Culvert below the dam where road passes over the drainage from lake.

Dam at Lake Susan in Montreat (taken from store building)

Cairns along one of our mountain streams


  1. And these will do nicely, thank you Barbara. I think those cairns appeal to the artist in us all. They re appearing along the coast, and in the volcanic landscape here in Lanzarote too. That next to last picture looks like a dam good place for a picnic!

  2. Your first two photographs are so beautiful and calMing. Good luck with your reorganisation!

  3. Google photo searches your photos for " things" as well as faces. I input "water wheels" and found my Syrian photos instantly. If you scan everything, Google can do the work for you. I just discovered this and feel so liberated. I love those cairns too.

  4. Lake Tomahawk looks very much like our local Willow Springs Pond - a pretty little place with a walking path all round. Nell's right about the neat picnic spot below the dam. I love the octagonal picnic table. And the stone cairns are certainly interesting.

  5. I've seen photos of little rock towers like that in a few places but I've never thought of them as cairns - I thought that was just what you called the big old Scottish structures, but I guess they are the same thing really. You see them and you wonder who has bothered to stop and create them :-) Lovely sunny photographs.

  6. It's nice seeing all that fresh water. Although we are surrounded by sea, there are no lakes rivers or even streams on Lanzarote - we only get about 5 inches of rain a year, and it is hot!

  7. The cairns are very expressive and imaginative! Tiny sculptures.


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