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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Sunday, June 12, 2016

Raised bed gardens and goats

Jill and another Parks and Rec. staff member discuss the community raised bed gardens at the Carver Center in Black Mountain, NC.  The ones with wood sides aren't quite as long as mine, which has metal sides.  But these wood ones are designed so you can sit and work in the dirt.  The dirt is an organic compost. 

Watering my little plot with the hose which is provided.

I scattered some seeds to grow wild flowers which attract pollinators, then marked that area with some tiny little aloe plants.  I also tried some sunflower seeds from a huge bloom that I had last year. At the far end I've transplanted from pots a few herbs and decorative plants.  I'm going to put in some more vegetable starts in soon.

There are some interesting kids' spots beyond the gardens...a course for skate boarding in the background from this view, and a playground to the other side for other children who want to climb around things.  I wonder when they play around there, and if they care about the garden plots.

But I have some more interesting neighbors who are right beyond the fence. Goats.

They are there to eat the foliage and clear it out, and apparently only one was eating grass when I visited them at 8 o'clock in the morning. They didn't care about me much either.

My ornamental pepper has been sitting in full sun all day, which may be a bit more than it had at the apartment in its pot, and the leaves are turning white, as if they are bleached!  I water in the mornings usually.

I added a tomato plant Saturday evening, and gave everything a deep watering.


  1. How great that you have a community garden close by! It looks like your bed will provide you with plenty of garden space.

  2. It will be fun to see your tomato's growth cycle. That project of garden beds will be a .ot of work but well worth it.

  3. wow, this looks great Barb! I wonder if they have any more spaces available?


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