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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

If only we could edit life

 For instance, this is of my pottery display at the Mud Buddies booth last Saturday at the Tailgate Market.

Same display, which shows the booth next to ours where a sweet woman crochets everything under the sun.  Her display this week was right over the top of our pottery.  No kidding.

So I'd like to edit our Saturdays such that there's someone next to our booth who doesn't detract the eye quite so much.  Just a thought.

For next week I'm putting my pottery display on the other side of our booth, rather than under the colorful bags and shawls. You know about that Serenity Prayer, right? The things we can change vs. the things we cannot.


  1. Oh man….great post about something that can mean a lot!

  2. Ah! part of the AAARRRGGGHHH! factor in displaying! Do your rules permit putting up a side curtain? A nice piece of fabric could set off your work and give your neighbor a background for her scarves.

  3. The pottery display could do with a bit of height....I use what I call step shelves, looks like two small stair steps...nice and stable, and brings the eye to the work

  4. height, those bamboo shoe racks I got at wally world or two wood crates with a board between the two, or an umbrella on a chair behind to camouflage the hanging items perhaps if you asked her she might put up a backdrop ?


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