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Monday, May 9, 2016

Flaming azaleas and glaze notes

Here's a nice vase for some flowers...

I love the metalic look from using nutmeg glaze first, then matte black over it.

In the dark shadows of spring woods in North Carolina, the Flame Azalea looks so startling and beautiful.  These were planted along our parking lot in my apartment complex.  They are still beautiful, but the beauty doesn't have the correct backdrop, IMHO (in my humble opinion).

Incidentally, these photos were taken a couple of weeks ago, and they have now ceased blooming.

We've had a heat wave (yes in 80s frequently) while no rain for about 2 weeks, so most of these blooms have withered already.  Now a bit of rain has come, but I am glad to have these blossoms in the computer available.

Fortunately residents can have flowers on their porches and balconies, so they are watered and cared for, and much appreciated.

 Unfortunately our dove has flown away and left her egg.  I am sorry.  It was in the 40s for two nights running, and I guess she got too cold.  Blackberry winter, the folks around here call it.  (I've saved the precious egg in the refrigerator, not knowing what to do with it, and yet not wanting to open it.)


  1. I love that when I click on the link to your blog, that your cover photo of the flame azaleas pops up. It's a such cheery and bright photograph. Sorry to hear your egg was abandoned :-(.

  2. that pot has a beautiful glaze and so sorry about the egg left behind, too bad you couldn't have incubated it but then how to raise the young thing.

  3. A wonderful header. Sad about the abandoned egg....


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