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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Beauty as I pass by...

In my neighborhood, I daily pass these peonies.
So pretty...

Tightly curled, all those thin petals waiting to burst open...when?

Peonies are such lovely flowers, but their stems seldom are strong enough to hold them up!

My neighbor Faye is also concerned about the weight of the blossoms!

And today is my first-born's birthday! Happy birthday Marty, and many more! I love you!

Hope to see my pottery friends on Saturday dropping by the Black Mountain Tailgate Market...even if I may only be shopping since other Mud Buddies are taking care of our sales this week.  I love my Mud Buddies and all our friends in Black Mountain NC!


  1. Our peonies will be out in a week or 2 also :)

  2. Happy Birthday to your son!

    I love peonies and had some goreous ones in WI. I used tomato cages to help them but my husband was always at the ready with the snips if we had a good rain and they started to droop. Could never stop him from doing that.

  3. Beautiful peonies! Every year I think I'll make an attempt to prop mine up and never quite manage.

  4. peonies are such spectacular flowers.. not cold enough here to grow them though..


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