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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Why not do three glazes here?

I've enjoyed selling many (lost count, and for a hobby pottery, that's a lot!) three glaze bowls.
I even tried doing the same on the outside of some mugs, not quite as popular (plus a bit more expensive because you know, you have to make a handle too.

So a nice young woman asked if I could make a plate with the same glaze combination.  Of course, I said.  Actually I did glaze overlapping on plates for a set for a person who comes to Montreat, NC every summer.  But the specific glaze combo was what she meant.

What is Painter doing here?  She is three colors, that's why! (See below for more on this lovely kitty)

Sorry these are the quickie shots at the studio when I picked them up.  I just wanted to share how I do them.
Lower right green, which looks sort of turquoise here, is Matt Bronze Green, and I dip the whole plate in it first, up to the halfway mark...not an exact line.  Let it get dry to the touch.  Then dip next at a turn away in the Raspberry red.  It overlaps where you see black mottled glaze...again halfway into the glaze bucket. 
I can pour the glaze over the plate if I'm careful, and there's not enough in the bucket to do the dip, or if the plate is too large.
I have to let this stage dry a bit longer, because now the bisqued plate has absorbed quite a lot of moisture from these glazes.  Either half an hour or blow dry very slowly, so the glaze doesn't flake off and I have to start all over!
Then the last dip, again just 1/3 turn around goes into the Satin White, which produces a white over red that actually turns green.  The 1/6 of the plate next shows pure white glaze, and then the last area is a shiny bright translucent green.
So out of the three glazes, the plate now has 6 colors going around the wheel.

I've also experimented with black, plum and nutmeg, with some very interesting results.  I'll show them to you'all soon.

Oh, Painter cat is available to give to a good home.  I dearly love her, so her welfare is high on my list as I move to a smaller place.  My older cat, Muffin, is 18 years old, and so I want to take care of her the rest of her life.  I thought Painter would be her replacement but after 4 years, Muffin is still hanging on.

Painter belonged to a dear friend who died about 4 years ago.  I took her thinking she could be an indoor/outdoor cat, which she was used to.  But I lived during that time pretty close to a busy street...and so she's had to deal with 2 rooms and about 4 windows to the outside. Painter (or Panther) is spayed, and may be 5-7 years old. Painter is playful, but thinks everyone is a cat and doesn't mind being clawed a bit...especially when she is tired of playing.  She loves to sit on my lap when I'm at the computer, and she also purrs me awake by sitting above my head on my pillow in the morning. 

If you know of anyone who could love this sweet lady, I think she would be happier in a home where she could roam a bit.  Please email me if you do...blackmtnbarb AT gmail DOT com.


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