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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Sunday, September 27, 2015

the force of nature

Yesterday the Mud Buddies did not set up their tables and tent at the Tailgate Market in Black Mountain.  It had been raining since Thursday night, continuously.

Sorry if you wanted pottery this week, I do hope you'll return next week!
Pottery by Pat Levi, Mud Buddy

Our season is winding down, but we still have a lot of new pottery for sale each Saturday for the whole month of October, and up to the Saturday before Thanksgiving.  That will be our last Sat, and we have a double size booth for the Holiday Fair, so don't forget to get gifts and decorations on Nov. 21, or before.

See you at the Fair!
PS, I'm moving this week, so it may take longer than usual for your comments to be posted!

Thought for today:

Mountains and oceans have whole worlds of innumerable wondrous features. We should understand that it is not only our distant surroundings that are like this, but even what is right here, even a single drop of water.
Dogen Zenji


  1. we are lucky our market is under cover, threatened rain here but only misted, still many didn't show up till much later and many not at all. we got two inches in our rain gauge.

    1. We were 7 inches short of our average rainfall, I bet we're much closer after this...and lots more is forecast.

  2. Send some rain our way; we can use it!
    Toes crossed that the move goes well. Is it a new house?

    1. It's a small apartment which has been completely refurbished...looks just lovely. I'd gladly send some of our rain your way!

  3. Good luck with the move. I hope it is painless... or at least as painless as any move can be!

    1. The reason I'm answering comments? My back is already killing me. Sitting feels so good.

  4. yes outdoor markets are subject to the weather. Good luck with the next one and with your move.

    1. Thanks...I am letting Mom Nature have her say...and hoping that the move won't kill me!

  5. Moving is for the strong hearted -- keep that nice smile on your face. -- barbara

    1. Thanks for your vote of least many friends are pitching in to pack a couple of boxes each day. And some real storng backed men will help on next Sat. I've given away most of my furniture, so it's mainly boxes.


Thanks for your comments...