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Friday, September 25, 2015

Joining an Art League

The other day I joined my first Art League.  It's fondly known as The Red House.

I've sure been taking part in various art shows since moving here to North Carolina 8 years ago.
And yet I have hesitated becoming a member of the Swannanoa Valley Art League, thinking they are all fine artists, and I do a lot of crafty things as well as my artsy sculptures.  Would I fit?

Spirit House with Bird

See, it's really called The Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts League (site located here) ...but I've got the degree in Fine Art, (BFA University of Florida) so maybe it's time to start calling myself a Clay Artist, like it says on my business card.

Detail of The Forest Project, shown at Black Mountain Center for the Arts 12/14-2/15

It's a challenge for me to consider, as I move into the winter months.   This is the 6 month period during which I usually create more sculptures and less functional wares for the table.  Of course for my favorite customers, I'll be called upon at any time to make something they wish, but usually I turn off the part of my creativity that makes things to eat, drink or serve from.  And I definitely turn off the Mud Buddies selling every Saturday morning in the park part of my being for the winter. 
Tea Set, shown at Black Mountain Center for the Arts now showing until 10/15 "What's the Buzz?" exhibit

Except for the Saturday before Thanksgiving, when we have a huge holiday sale...same site, rain or shine.  We start an hour later in the day, so it's nice and warm for the vendors and their customers.

There's also the added incentive of another outdoor sale which SVFAL will be having in October, on 2 days, and I'm excited about being there for that.  I hope some of my usual friends will visit there (and I'll be letting you know more about it here!)

Today's Quote:
Today, more than ever before, life must be characterized by a sense of Universal responsibility, not only nation to nation and human to human, but also human to other forms of life.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama


  1. Hot DOG, what an awesome step. I like the idea of these challenges too, gives you the creative boost to move your ideas forward!

  2. Nice to have an art league nearby and I think clay art should be considered fine art

  3. Love this post and the quote too, especially love the bee tea set. do you ever ship to Canada?

    1. Cate, please email me so we can answer back and forth, blackmtnbarb AT gmail DOT blog.

  4. I'm glad you joined the Art League. And YES, you do belong. Congratulations.

  5. There is something about organizations names that can be intimidating. When I first started in clay someone suggested I join the NH Potters Guild. I didn't feel like a potter yet and was worried about fitting in. I eventually joined... next thing you know I was their treasurer :-/
    Have fun with your new group!


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