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Monday, September 7, 2015

Tea bowls or cups

Never sure why a tea bowl is the term, since it refers to a Japanese tradition.
But if I called these tea cups, you'd expect a  You figure it out.

Yes, these complete my set for the Black Mountain Center for the Arts show coming soon, "What's the Buzz?"

If you're in the Black Mountain, NC area next Thurs. Sept. 10, 6 pm, come to the Center for the Arts for the opening, including a talk about pollinators!  Most of the art will be paintings on the walls, but look for some sculptures too!  The show will be open in the Gallery from Sept 10 to Oct. 9, and all sales have a large percentage going to the Center for the Arts.

Quote for today:

One way to open your eyes is to ask yourself, "What if I had never seen this before? What if I knew i would never see it again?"
Rachel Carson


  1. your set looks tremendous! Can't wait to see it in the exhibit!

  2. Gary said he saw on the news that honey bees are dying in droves, so sad

  3. I have trouble keeping guinomi and yunomi straight... and then different Asian cultures have different shapes for tea bowls. Your bee cups are sweet and would be great for wine or juice too.

  4. Thanks friendly happy to have your comments this morning!

  5. Love the tea bowls! Their size is also perfect for a bit of whisky, should your customers be so inclined.


Thanks for your comments...