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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Monday, June 8, 2015

Friends and neighbors

I was pleased to see the publication for June of The Laurel of Asheville shows some work by my friend and neighbor Sarah describing the Black Mountain Arts and Crafts show last weekend.  It was a great collection of art works.

I was also busy this weekend, at least Sat. morning, at the usual spot, Mud Buddies booth at the Tailgate Market.  We had fun!

This shot was taken just as the market was opening up.  What a great day, weather, friends and customers!  I dare say the same could be said for the art show downtown in Black Mountain.  However, the Mud Buddies packed up at noon and went home, with thankfully a bit lighter tubs of pottery.

The large vase sold, but he didn't want the roses, so I got to keep them!

My whimsical wall hangings are just $25 each

These are pics of my display space from last Sat.  I'll be replacing the things that sold with new (or just different) pieces next week.  Looking forward to seeing you drop by and say hi.

A question came up about taking orders.  It's up to each of us Mud Buddies what we do, and I do take orders frequently, as long as folks aren't in a hurry, or absolutely particular about "this shade of blue" or something.  My policy is to receive 50% of an order up front, the rest on delivery, of course if the customer still likes what they ordered.  I just don't want them to, say, order 6 dinner plates and never come back.  That's a lot of work!

It was great to see a woman from out of town return who had come to see us (and bought a pot) last well as some of our favorite local people.   It's great to feel so much a part of such a widening but intimate community.

Thanks to all the friends of Mud Buddies!


  1. at our farmer's market we get a lot of out of towners that have homes here for the summer and they are repeat customers as well.

  2. Love your display. Lucky you...sold the vase and got to keep the roses.

    1. Yep, they came home and lived in another vase for a few more days, and I've enjoyed them

  3. And such a beautiful sunny day you had. Nice to be a part of the mud buddies community. Friendships are important as they invigorate us. Your pottery items are lovely and well displayed, -- barbara

    1. Thanks, Barbara...I appreciate your feedback. Now would you really tell me if they were ugly and displayed in a poor way? Well, you might figure out an honest and diplomatic way to say so!

    2. Barbara -- I tell the truth. What I commented is the truth. Your work is honest beauty. -- barbara

  4. You have a great system with the mud buddies. I bet the sales vary every week but it is good to get your work out there. I use to buy a coffee mug from an artist in Omaha, every year that we went there. I liked her work and I wanted to encourage her.

    1. Thanks L.D. I kind of wish we had a regular retail outlet, especially when we are putting up the tent or taking it down.


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