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Monday, June 22, 2015

Being me and music

I was going to say "speaking of music"but you see, that was the problem...
Jim Scott played and sang, and told some interesting stories.  He's a good guitarist and singer.  We all joined in for a lot of the Pete Seager songs on Fri. night.

But then Jim spent a good 15 min. just talking in a stream-of-consciousness-way about all the interests he has for current social issues and activism.  The audience probably agreed with him on most of the points he brought up, but I for one was really not happy with having him just rant.  There really wasn't any point to it, unless you count the one he gave earlier himself, that it's his form of therapy.
Choir rehearsal at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Swannanoa Valley

Sunday the choir sang several times, with Annelinde (Linda) Metzner (above at piano) leading, and Sue Stone accompanying  The music was great.

And the message by H. Byron Ballard was on point, with emotions, with clarity, and inspirational.
That's what church should be, in my book.

Jerry Pope and Byron Ballard clowning around

I'm feeling really blessed to be part of a congregation which accepts folks just the way they are, with more or less unconditional love.

I shared a bit of how much I feel respected in that group of people, and have the whole 7 years I've been a member.  The issue I was speaking about was socio-economic classes.  Since I admit to living under the poverty level, I said as much out loud...I "came out" so to speak.  It was gratifying to have others introduce themselves to me who also identify the same way.  It's time we stop feeling ashamed of not being among the middle class any more.

As Byron says, "these are the times we were born for."

Some serious faces for a shakey selfie! Byron and myself.
Here is an addendum from Byron, the text of her sermon.


  1. The shame is on our ineffective government and corrupt politicians catering to their personal agendas, accumulating wealth, and catering to big business at the expense of the individual citizens of this country.

  2. I am a Quaker (sort of Unitarian cousins :) and feel the same about our meeting. Quakers are very spare in what they say during worship though, and only one person spoke yesterday, my own thoughts too: "I can't believe the speed with which people in SC are forgiving that shooter". because I don't think I could find any way to forgive somebody who has done something so monstrous and senseless.

  3. Thanks Linda...yes, if we realize there are people behind the decisions of wallstreet, banks and corporations, that they don't just run themselves. I hope somehow that speaking truth to power will get through to those people someday.
    Gary, I agree how hard it is to forgive the worst atrocities...and I remember my own struggling with just praying that I'd learn a way to consider possible eventual forgiveness, not that it is ever less an atrocity, but that I too am capable of things that need forgiveness. However, the mindset which allows many southerners to celebrate racism or perhaps deny its existence is quite another thing. And I am giving a bit of lee-way to those who aren't southerners who also are blind to the horrors of our police and justice system today.


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