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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Inspire me

Good advice I've picked from blogs, periodicals (magazines), books, and other sources I run into - mainly about working in clay.  (I do enjoy other avenues of visual art and foods)

I'm the one with a bow in my hair!

"There is no one so dangerous and powerful as those who receive empowerment from the wisdom of others and seek to prove its validity in their own lives... " 
Dr. Richard Jacobs, in letters to Christa Assad published in The Studio Potter, June 2004.   
(I got the hard copy of this magazine in a batch of free magazines on pottery from another blogger who was about to move to the west coast.  I had to go pick the magazines up in Bakersville, NC.  It was fun, and eventually I bought my wheel from that potter.) 

Look at the blogs being followed by someone's blog you haven't read before.  This is a great off-shoot activity which can take you anywhere.  It's better than a raw search, at least in my experience.  I'm sorry my blog isn't listed in many people's "blogs I follow."  But since I'm an introvert, I'm ok with my anonymity.

Thank you Miriam Williams.  I saw a few blogs that I already am following, and added a few new ones to my own long list.

Today I enjoyed reading this article also.  Lana Wilson's Advice on Developing Your Own Style   Would you do this, or did you ever do this exercise?  I'm awestruck that this is the way pinterest may well have started.  I do like the way brainstorming is taken into a three dimensional format by using clay.

I would love to share with you some pictures of pottery by other potters, or photos by industrious people with better eyes and equipment than I have, but don't have time to ask for permissions.  Just know that I do look, and my eyes feast upon the beauty that others create.  You'll have to go see them yourself.  I can give you links to their posts...just look at my list in the column to the right.  ( I have no idea why my blog list that's on "my profile" is so sparse...I follow about 100 blogs at least)

And back to Lana Wilson's most important piece of advice.  To go to work in the studio.  Yep.  Bye for now.

I'm in high school and get to wear high heels for a piano recital. I'm the skinny girl on the right.

This post is shared on Sepia Saturday, July 7


  1. I forget about adding new blogs to my blog roll or at least newly discovered blogs, I just added yours, I had to take out the recurring ones because blogger said something about malware for one of them. Boy you must be really tall. I am short. Ha.

  2. Hey that's a great article by Lana, thanks I need to go print it out.

  3. Why do you think I'm really tall? Taller than my mom and sister maybe, but not my father. I'mm just 5' 5" and probably less than that with age. THanks so much for reading my blog!

  4. that is a really cool way to meet new people...i jump around like that occassionally and def find some interesting people i would not otherwise....those are some pretty cool pics of you too...smiles...

  5. Good advice & also a wonderful article. Thanks for sharing. I follow your blog and you are one of those that I try to read everytime I have a spare minute to read "my stories" - (what my 11 year old son calls blogs - ha!)

  6. Hi Barb, those are great ideas. I don't see that you have your own followers widget up, that will make it easier for others to follow you. So glad that you are hanging out with us Sepia Saturday folks, I really enjoy your family pictures.

    Kathy M.

    1. OK Kathy, where do I find "my own followers widgete?" Maybe I didn't have any when I started, so skipped that in the instructions. I'll try doing a "help search" for how to put it up. Sure did like your 3 Sepia Sat. posts this week! I dare say I beat you by posting on Mon. Next time I'll do it later in the week. Did you say you're having a new grandbaby soon?

  7. Hi,
    Enjoyed your photos. I think I had a dress just like the one in your 2nd photo or at least the same style and from the same era.
    Wish I had time to check out lots of other blogs, but it takes all of my time just to read all of Sepia Saturday posts every week. I'll just have to make more time!

    1. My dress was pale blue. What color was yours. Glad to have your comment. On days when I'm out and about, I don't read as many blogs.

  8. I enjoyed both of your photos.

  9. Lovely pictures Barb and thanks for amending your post to plug SS! I have to say, cute though you girls are, I’d love to have a close-up of those Baby Bunting dolls you’re holding. I mae one for my daughter many years ago.

    1. Hi Little Nell: I hadn't remembered a thing about those dolls. Sorry. They do look cute, don't they?

  10. What gorgeous photos. You are all so beautifully dressed. Thank you for sharing.

  11. Some great photos there. It is great to read about pottery. I do just about every type of arts and/or crafts but never did pottery. I admire anyone who does. Had to get to all the blogs I want to read also but have a little scheme I follow. Start at the top one day the bottom the next and always do a couple of new ones.

  12. I laughed at your "skinny girl" description. Did you drink "Weight On"? or was is Wate On? My sister and I were always eating something, trying without success to add a curve to our scrawny bodies. Then along came Twiggy and we skinnies were momentarily "in". I love your high school photo and think you looked just perfect - heels, hair and the pearls.

    1. I spent more time with my hair probably...and getting to wear eye shadow, which wasn't waterproof, so I had to be pretty careful with it. The pearls! I'd forgotten how we all were wearing them! All the time!


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