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Thursday, April 7, 2016

My work plus other interesting info

The juicy red dogwood right outside my front door is a great reminder of how I like to put blossoming trees on my mugs.  So I've got a new one to share. (more tomorrow!)

I had fun making roots go under the base of the mug with Mayco's Designer Liner, which is formulated so it doesn't stick to the shelf like a glaze would.  This mug is celadon glazed with the trees drawn then waxed, then dipped.  A final dip around the lip in Plum gives the drippy look which I love.  It's a blue-ish plum.  I tried to put some plum blossoms on the tree with Mayco Stroke & Coat, which almost disappeared, but I look at them as just a suggestion of blossoms.

And for the ambidextrous drinkers like me, another branch with blossoms on the "leftie" side of the mug.  As always, there's a Celtic cross thumb knob.

And just so you know I love other potters' work still, here's another memory from Marshall's Potters of Madison County.

Though Steve has left us, his work with his wife Becky Lloyd is still here on display.  May he smile down upon the continued appreciation of his art forms.

A pair of potters were right next to Joey Sheehan's booth, but somehow I didn't get their names.  I loved the whimsey of their sculptures however.  If you recognize the artists, please message me in comments below. (Michele told me! Thanks! It's Fred Johnston and Carol Gentithes!)


  1. It's Fred Johnston and Carol Gentithes, our friends from Seagrove! Carol does the sculptures, they are amazing... so much going on. Jeff and I have fired with Fred in his wood/salt kiln a number of times. I really like the way his kiln fires. He doesn't use a lot of salt, just enough to give the pots a honey color.
    The red dogwood is a beauty, we only have white in our yard.

    1. Thanks Michele! It's great we can recognize potters by their work! Like Van Gogh, Monet, etc.

  2. love the roots under the cup and that cat with the crossed legs.


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