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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Sunday, February 7, 2016

Aquarium update and how to avoid salmonella

What do you fish tank could have salmonella in the water!

Yes, a plastic plant has been added now since 3 guppies are still alive

Thanks to my friend out in Tacoma, WA, I have the scoop about how the tank water could harbor some really bad germs.
Nemo Beware: Fish Tank Can Be a Haven for Salmonella 

This was a New York Times article in 2006.  But it still seems valid in considering that various fish sources from Southeast Asia are still being used for pet stores.  And these sources might be using antibiotics to keep the fish healthy to sell, which could lead to antibiotic-resistant salmonella, as discussed in the article.

It sure is going to change the way I toss out the fish water as I change it from my little aquarium.  No longer into the sink in the kitchen!  Yep, into a toilet, to be flushed away.  I'm already wearing rubber gloves, but they also need to be washed with bleach water.

It also reminds me of how the fish I like to eat are often farm raised.  That means those poor tanks of fish also probably have various "improvements."  I know that they no longer have to have any labeling that indicates they have been genetically altered to grow larger faster?   I want my fish that I eat to be a bit more natural, so now I only get fresh caught ocean fish.

My friend in Tacoma is a vegan, with good reason too!
Surprisingly curious little guys.  I've started running the pump some of the time, but it's hard for them to swim against the "tide" and that's what the plant is really there for, to offer a bit of shelter.

Quote for today:

The destiny of humans cannot be separated from the destiny of Earth.  Thomas Berry

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