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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Oh what joy to throw things

 I look at production potters' blogs with dozens of this or that, and I smile.
I know that's not me.

My goal now that I can again keep my feet and legs from freezing in my studio, is to throw 4 things every day (with some averaging of course if there are very big or very small things.)

So here are the four from this morning.  Then I went down to Black Mountain Center for the Arts clay studio for an hour or so, and finished glazing 6 pieces.  Not sure if that puts me ahead or behind.  I'm starting 4 today, finishing 6 from last week.  Oh well, I'm not in it for the math.

I love being able to do this again!  And then once they are bisqued I'm again having fun with designs painted on them, then put some clear glaze over them, then coated the designed area with wax and dunking the whole thing into our shop glaze.

So before these are finished their green stage (the 4 I just started) I'll do a bit of trimming of their thick bottom sides (not the actual bottom they sit upon) and add handles for the 2 mugs.  I am happy to see that my pot bottoms are thick enough that I didn't cut through when I wired them off the bats.  Ah, I've made thick enough bottoms!  Only another potter would understand that as a joy, I'm thinking.


  1. Oh my yes, I've cut through enough bottoms trimming to know thick bottoms are good. And I agree with you that I could never do mass production. Good thing I'm not doing this for a living...

    1. Me too, though I sure can use the money to add to the bit from social security.

  2. when I was throwing my bottoms were very thick. ha.

    1. I guess I've done that too, but somehow by the time I finish a piece, which started with a nice quarter inch of bottom, and wire through the bottom to get it off the bat, it can sometimes see daylight.

  3. Throwing is the BEST part of making pots for me. I really dislike trimming. Glad to see you are back at it. Everyone works at their own pace... nothing about making pots is a race!

    1. Yes definitely, no race at this time of my life! And the therapeutic benefits of making pots is widely well as the surprises and disappointments! Many a crack, curl, drip and bend.


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