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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Friday, March 2, 2012

Rain and musings

Sorry, no pictures today.  So I'll be brief.
I've got banana bread in the oven for a pot luck tonight at Sarah's, before we all (BMCA clay students) go to the opening at Warren Wilson College for one of our own who happens to be doing her senior show there tonight.  Hope the rain holds off so I can drive those lovely winding roads.  I'm ok in daytime, but with cataracts beginning, it's really hard to drive into someone else's headlights.  I get completely blinded.
Volunteering at Folk Art Center today was great fun.  Lots of people from all over coming to see the wood carving and turning exhibit.  I loved that one woman said she'd recently begun learning how to make pottery, and really loved some of the antique pots from Jugtown Pottery that are in the permanent display.  She said that their history belonged to everyone, and what she meant was that she wanted to be able to take pictures of the historic displays.  I really don't know why that isn't allowed, at least without using a flash.

In a few minutes I'm off to volunteer at the Black Mountain Center for the Arts clay studio for a couple of hours.  I'm interested to see how my tree sculpture develops...a three tiered piece with spaces between trunks and branches to peep through the trees into the woods.  That's my concept anyway.  The center of the piece is to hold either a person or animals, or maybe both.  Last night I've started forming these tiny shapes.

  I'm having fun.

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