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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Monday, June 19, 2017

Staging mugs with coffee cake!

 My white clay mugs with satin turquoise lining, nutmeg on lower outside. Set of 4. I'm thinking of selling them for $20 each.

Blueberry Coffee Cake
Source: Fanny Farmer Boston Cooking School Cookbook, recipe revised by me.

 I used all the same ingredients, and added a cup of frozen blueberries at the last, gently mixing them into batter which is quite stiff and spreading it into a round pan (don't have a square one.)

I lowered the temp on cooking to 350 since I was using a pottery dish, and extended the time from 20 to 35 minutes cooking.  It came out jsut fine!


  1. Beautiful mugs and a yummy cake!
    My mother used her Fannie Farmer Cookbook to the falling apart stage. It's one of my treasures.

    1. Ha ha, Suzi! I had a paperback Fannie Farmer, which fell apart years ago. My sons sweetly gave me a hardback for Christmas one year! Yay!


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