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Thursday, June 8, 2017

Rogers line possibly connected to royals

The royal side

[Editors Note: All comments by me are in italics...there are comments from the original document by that author (unknown ancestry member). There was only one daughter of Sir Simon de Furneaux, namely  Elizabeth de Furneaux (according to everything I've found in Ancestry)
but…the author of the following says someone named Jane Furneaux was her/his 14th great grandmother…daughter of Simon de Furneaux.  
As you may have already noticed, I do find fault with many details in the records I'm quoting, so this is just another one, until I find some "Primary Sources" which are birth, death, marriage records usually.
Elizabeth is listed in various places as born 1230…and she was called Dame Furenaux, which sounds a bit like Jane…but there just was the one surviving daughter of Sir Simon, upon which all this lineage may be based, rather than this Jane.  It’s interesting reading, though there may be some typos. Please note he uses Ap. to mean approximate dates.]

Jane Furneaux (Trivett) [sic] is my 14th Great Grandmother, Her father was Simon DeFurneaux born ap 1294, and her mother was Alice DeUmfreville born ap 1306.

Simon’s father was Matthew DeFurneaux 2nd born ap 1264, his mother was Matilda Maud DeRalgh born Ap 1268.

Matthew 2nd’s father was Matthew DeFureneaux 1st born Ap 1211, his mother unknown at this time but born Ap 1237

Matthew 1st’s father was Henry DeFurnellis born Ap 1150, his mother was Joan FitzWilliam Born Ap 1158.

Joan’s father was Robert FitzWilliam born 1132 this is where story begins.

Robert was the only Son of Sir William FitzRobert 2nd Earl of Gloucester, Title at that time would only be handed down to living sons, Robert Died before William, and he only had one Child a daughter Joan, Title not be past to her, so it would have gon back to the Crown, William and King Henry 2nd made a marriage arrangement, that one of his daughter’s would marry one of King Henry 2nd ‘s Son’s, at the time John was the third son, and was not expected to be King, so William let his daughter Isabel marry John with Church permission as they were 2nd Cousin’s.
So this would make John Earl of Gloucester, when William Died. No Children were reported from this Allice and John just before he came King anode this marriage.

We know go back to Sir William and see how he is Related to them.

William’s father was Sir Robert De Caen an Illegitimate son of Henry 1st of England. thus ½ brothers to Empress Matilda.
Look up your history and you will see him and what role, he played in shaping the royal’s.
On the father’s side, we will follow the King’s back from here.

We know go back to Jane Furneaux born Ap 1329

Jane’s Mother was Alice DeUmfeville father was Henry DeUmfeville born Ap 1267 her mother was Isabella unknown surname born Ap 1227

Henry’s father was John de Umferville born Ap 1240. His mother was Alice de le Hurne born Ap 1244.

This is where this side of the family start. I am starting with the mother Alice de le Hurne

Alice’s father was John de le Hurne born Ap 1214, her mother was Margaret FitzJohn.

Margaret’s father was Richard Fitzroy born Ap 1190, her mother was Rohsia De Dover born Ap 1188.

Richard was the Illegitimate son of King John 1st of England and John’s Cousin Adela Susann De Warenne mother.

King John’s father Henry 2nd of England

King Henry 2nd father being Geoffrey V Plantagenet, his mother was Empress Matilda Countess of Anjou.

With this we go back to Henry 1st of England as Matilda is his only Child left.


We know [now] go on to finding out who [how] we our [are] related to Thomas the Beckett

Again we go back to Jane Furneaux

We go to her father’s side.
Simon’s mother was Matilda Maud deRaiegh born Ap 1268

Matilda’s father was Warin deRalegh born Ap 1245 her mother was Joanna de Boteler (Botiller) born Ap 1245

Just a quick note for the DeRalegh family this is the same family as the Sir Walter Ralegh

Joanna’s father was Theobald le Botiller 3rd born Ap 1220 her mother was Margaret deBurgh born Ap 1230

Theobald 3rd ‘s father Theobald le Botiller 2nd  born Ap 1200 his mother was Joan deMarisco  born ap 1202

Theobald  2nd ‘s father was Theobald 1st Baron Butler Fitz Walter born Ap 1160 mother was Maud Baroness Butler leVavasour born Ap 1178.

Theobald 1st’s father was Hervey Walter (Fitz) born 1130 his mother Matilda deValoines

Hervey’s father was Walter FitzWalter born Ap 1100 his mother was Godiva leBecket born ap 1110

Godiva is the sister of Thomas the Becket.

How are we related to Diana Frances Spencer ?

Start at Jane Furneaux

Jane  then  her sister Elizabeth Furneaux born Ap 1329 [Yes, there is the only child Elizabeth! Who knows how they came up with Jane!]

Her Son John FitzRogers born 1386 & Wife Anges Mordaunt born Ap 1390

They [their] Son John FitzRogers born 1425 & Wife Anne de Echingham born Ap 1420

They Son Henry Sir of Bryanstone Rogers born 1st Mar 1448 & Wife Amy Stourton  Born 1457

They Son Sir John of Bryanston Rogers born Ap 1468 & Wife Elizabeth Courtenay born 1470

They Son Sir John  of Bryanston Rogers Born 1510 & Wife Katherine Weston born 1514

They Son Sir Richard Of Bryanston Rogers born Ap 1527, & Wife  Cecilia Luttrel born 1523

They Daughter Honora Rogers born 1545  & Husband  Lord Edward Beauchamp Seymour Born 1561

They Son William 2nd Duke of Sumerset Seymour born 1 Sep 1587 and Wife Lady Frances Devereux born 1599

They Son Baron Henry Beauchamp Seymour born 1626 & Wife Mary Capell born 1630

They Daughter Lady Elizabeth Seymour born 1653 & Husband Thomas Bruce born 1656

They Daughter Lady Elizabeth of Elgin Bruce & Husband Earl George 3rd of Cardigan Brudenell born 1685

They Son Robert Hon Brudenell born 2oth Sep 1726 & Wife Anne Bishop born 1728

They Son Robert 6th Earl of Cardigan Brudenell born  1769 & Wife Penelope Anne Cooke born 1770
They Daughter Lady Anne Brudenell born 1795 & Husband George Charles Bingham
Born 1800

They Son George 4th Earl Bingham born 1830 & Wife  Cecilia Catherine Gordon Lennox born 1838

They Daughter lady Rosealind Cecilia Caroline Bingham born 1869 & Husband James Albert Edward Hamilton born 1869

They Daughter Lady Cynthia Elinor Beatrix Hamilton born 1897 & Husband Albert Edward John Spencer born 1892

They Son Edward John Spencer born 1924 & Wife Frances Ruth Burke Roche born 1936

They Daughter is Diana Frances Spencer

To the Queen

Queen mother Elizabeth Angela Bowes Lyon

Her father Claude George 14th Earl Strathmore Bowes-Lyon born 1855

His father Claude Bowes-Lyon born 1824

His father Thomas George Bowes-Lyon born 1801

His Thomas Bowes-Lyon born 1773

His mother Mary Eleonore Bowers Born 1749

Her father Goerge Bowes  born 1701

His mother Elizabeth Blakiston

Her mother Anne Bowes born 1634

Her father George Bowes born 1594

His father George Bowes

His mother Dorothy Mallory born 1529

Her father Sir Willliam Mallory

His father  Sir John Mallory born 1473

His mother Joan Constable
Her father Sir John 11 Constable born 1423

His mother Margaret de Umfreville born 1361

Her father Thomas 2nd Baron de Umferville born 1361

His father Thomas 1st Baron de Umferville born 1321

His father Robert 3rd Earl de Umfreville born 1277

His father Gilbert de Umfreville born 1244

His father Gilbert de Umfreville born 1213

Then his Son John, his son Henry his daughter Alice and her daughter Jane Furneaux born 1329

[or Elizabeth born 1329 or 30]
But don’t take my word for it, because as I posted the other day, Elizabeth was either born when her mother died, or the year after…as some records give 1330 as her birth. And she is listed as giving birth at the age of 56 to Sir John Rogers according to Ancestry records (which I posted last week.)

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