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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Friday, May 19, 2017

Letting my fingers do the walking

You know, soon that phrase will have only an archaic meaning.

Just like flip phones where you have to push each button three times when texting to get the right letters to come up.  I actually have a friend who has no computer and uses a flip phone to text me daily.  Her skills will eventually become history as she may someday soon change to the "smart phone."

Here is how my back seat looked after the show last Saturday.  I borrowed the tables from friends, thank heavens, because there's nowhere in my little 3 room apartment to store them.  My fingers are nimble, but the rest of my body isn't!

This isn't modern art, a bright pattern of shapes, but the shelves on top of the little cart going between the apartment and the car for the Art by the Tracks Show in Black Mountain

The same little cart fit nicely into the front seat to bring home the various display clothes that had been rained on during the show.  Fortunately they'd mostly dried out by the end of the day.

And yes, this and the shelves have all come in the house and been placed where they belong.

But the pottery, in 4 big tubs (big to me) are still in the car.  They will just sit somewhere perhaps, for the next however many months.  I'll stack them somewhere and try to ignore them, in a corner perhaps, or under a table.  They don't fit in my one storage closet, nor the one clothes closet.

Do I need more inventory? I think not.  I'm inundated with old pots, and these were the new ones.  I'm admitting to not being a professional, not really a studio potter.  

I'm a clay artist.  That's it.  I just do what feels good to me, and sometimes I can sell things.  That's such a blessing.  But for every pot that I sell, there are a dozen (approximately) that have to be stored somewhere.  What a strange thing to have as a dilemma.

I love my apartment, so don't mistake this dilemma as a wish to have a bigger place.  It's just I have to work my magic to fit in it better.  Got a wand to lend me, anyone?

Today I share a quote again:
We have received an inestimable gift. To be alive in this beautiful, self-organizing universe—to participate in the dance of life with senses to perceive it, lungs that breathe it, organs that draw nourishment from it—is a wonder beyond words.  It is an extraordinary privilege to be accorded a human life, with self-reflexive consciousness that brings awareness of our own actions and the ability to make choices. It lets us choose to take part in the healing of our world.
Joanna Macy

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