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Monday, September 19, 2016

Glazes and Monet

MoMa shows available on line!

I was thrilled to see this in Open Culture's newsletter today. Here.
They come up with the strangest collections, films, books, people, and now all the collections of the Museum of Modern Art since 1929. HERE.

I have visited this museum.  If you haven't, please look through the list and see what you might be interested in seeing.

I groaned through a lot of Art History classes when working to get a Bachelor of Fine Arts in ceramics.  But without knowing about so many artists and their works, I would certainly be a deprived artist.  

Open Culture says, "...when you spend a great deal more time with modern art—looking over artists’ entire body of work and seeing how various schools and individuals developed together—it becomes apparent that all art, even the most radical or strange, evolves in dialogue with art, and that no artist works fully in isolation.

Monet Japanese Footbridge 1920

"Take, for example, Monet’s Japanese Footbridge, above, from 1920. It’s a scene from his garden the early impressionist had painted many times over the decades. In this, one of his final paintings of the bridge, we see a riot of reds, oranges, and yellows in gestural brushstrokes that almost obscure the scene entirely. Though we know Monet had failing eyesight due to cataracts, a condition that lead to the vivid colors he saw in this period, it’s hard not to see some homage to Van Gogh, upon whose work Monet’s had a tremendous influence.

I often go off looking at the link topics that are available, and find treasures.

Monet's Sunset in Venice certainly calls to mind the wonderful blended colors that happen in a kiln between different glazes.  It is more microscopic, and more accidental, but I love impressionistic colorations that can occur on pottery.

 A simple bowl with two colors of glaze applied over one another, gives not only a breaking color of the clay showing through on the edge, but a color of purple as well as baby-blue intermingling.

Today's Quote:

When we are in circle with others, the energy stays contained within the group giving back to all. . Daily Om

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