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ALCHEMY OF CLAY: Art and life connect! This fabric design is by Amanda Richardson - British fabric & textile artist in Penberth Valley, Land's End, Cornwall, England, UK

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Monday, December 28, 2015

While the gallery is closed

I can share some more of the pottery which is on display at BMCA gallery, open again on Jan 4.

 Cindy Shulman

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Crazy bushes and cat

A nice bush has been planted right next to my parking place.  Pink Dame, Azalea.

Like many plants, the buds are confused by 70 degree December weather.

Last week Panther was positive there was something for her buried within all the clutter!

A real mother's helper!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

More pottery in the BMCA Gallery

Geoff Bird, instructor, detail of bowl

Geoff Bird

Pat Huffman, King Bird & Mate

Fred Feldman, "Red Circle"

Maureen Joyce, "Gia"
 Maureen was the co-teacher with Geoff Bird of our Raku workshop this summer.

The Black Mountain Center for the Arts gallery will be closed as of this afternoon until Jan 4, 2016.
This display will remain up for your pleasure until Feb. 29.  So you'll have plenty of chances to see these, and all the other works by students and instructors of BMCA's clay studio.

I'll post more pictures as I get a chance.

Thought for today:

And you will know exactly who you are, forever, by knowing what it is that you love.
Mark Helprin
from Winter's Tale

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Google & Star Wars

This link is my fun connection to A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away.
OK, you will have to do a search in Google with those words, and eventually may get to the loop.  Have fun.

I like that it cycles back again in a loop.  Just what I need to wake up to in a morning when the floor is cold on my toes.  Dancing with the Jedi...or is it Ewoks?

Yep, I'm a Star Wars struck fan.

Enjoy the Force.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Ceramics-To-Table Movement

Who knew that I'm part of a movement, again?
Well, Ceramics-To-Table sounds great to my ears.

And in case you haven't read about us in the NY Times on Dec. 16,'s the link.

Yes, other potters posted it first.  But I want to save it here, as well as share with any friends who aren't ceramic artists.  It's getting to be that you either make pottery or love least I'm surrounded by people like that.  Wonder why.

Thank you for all who are enjoying the hand crafted art for your food experiences!

Thought for today:

We will be known forever by the tracks we leave.
Dakota proverb

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Solstice - Celebrating the Dark

Happy Solstice to all my Pagan Friends.

First I must say that I celebrate not only the light returning as our great mother earth turns again toward Sol...but I celebrate this night, the longest, the womb of the dark.
Winter_solstice by Jecowa at the English language Wikipedia. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons 

We have such light seeking impulses.  Probably as it helps with life sustaining.  But there is also the wonder of dark.  The resting.  The dreaming through nights that are so much longer than daytime.  Do you have dreams?

I've been having sexual dreams lately.  At 73 I guess I've got the thoughts still, those juicy exciting urges that bring a burst of physical joy after effort.  I won't go any further into details, but let you realize that the same urges that began with the hormonal impulses of a teen ager do continue throughout our lives.

Dreams belong to the dark nights.  Darkness is not bad...however it is coupled with many of our fears.  I chose to look at the darkness as a shroud of safety which offers supreme restfulness.  Don't misunderstand me that I'm out roaming any dark streets at midnight, nor the woods.

I have observed darkness most when in nature.  But I haven't explored it lately.  There was a time when I found I could walk at night in a woods with just starlight, or cloud light providing the difference between the solid trunks of trees and the clearer greyer places where I could pass.  It's easier with some light from a moon, but not necessary.

If you've never walked between tree trunks in the dark, never experienced all the permutations of blackness to grey, you have yet to stretch your night vision.  Seriously.  You see not so much by looking ahead, but by scanning side to side, as that way you gather more information from the sides of your eyes.

So this city gal did go camping for many summers, and now remembers those trips from tent to bathroom in the middle of the night.

But back to Solstice and celebrating the dark.

one is really sure how long ago humans recognized the winter solstice ...
A ritual is called for, at least if you want to really get into celebration mode.

No not to sing songs, or eat a feast, or wake up early and see if any presents are under a fake tree in the living room.  Think of what we're going to celebrate.  The Dark.

A long night of it.  Lots of comfort for sleep.  Maybe a cup of hot cocoa before sleep.  Maybe a nibble on something that's soothing, cookies perhaps.  Dreams come when we're moving into a REM-state or waking, then returning back to deep sleep.  So preparing for a comfortable sleep is important...wearing your jammies, having the best sheets and blankets and pillows...having the heater set just right so you are totally comfortable.

That's what the Dark needs of you.  Comfort.  A small candle light before turning off all light is soothing.  Be sure to close all blinds and drapes to the intrusion of outside street lights.  Do some slow deep breathing, perhaps meditate, perhaps say your prayers.  Welcome the darkness with all her qualities.

Winter Solstice Pictures - 500 Collection HD Wallpaper
What does the dark mean to you?  For me (as you see) there's the sense of a womb, being closely supported by invisible forces, a place of growth and nurturing, stillness, receiving rather than giving, resting, listening to your sub-conscious through dreams, being alone rather than in community, connecting to your own sense of the Source of all life, and above all, rest.

If you want to record your dreams, prepare to do that as easily as possible, with your journal and a pen near your bed.  Plan for a short awake time right after a dream, to write a few notes, then back to snuggle into the dream-state again.  In the morning those notes can remind you of the full extent of a dream.  And another great fun thing is to actually go back into a dream.  You can just go back to sleep with thoughts of the dream, and maybe intentions to do something "next".  Dreaming is such fun.  If you don't have time the next morning, you can do a bit of "lucid" dreaming when you go to sleep that night.

A dream journal is a place to find out what you are telling yourself.  I kept one for about a year, and shared on a weekly basis one of my dreams with a Dream Group.  Yes, about a dozen people would share their dreams, and discuss what the dreams might mean to themselves.  Nobody gave a stock "meaning" to another person's dream, but would share how it would have meaning for themselves.  Thus, no snakes were considered obviously phallic.  As Jeremy Taylor said, "It is my assumption that all dreams come in the service of health and wholeness and that only the dreamer knows for certain what his/her dream means."

Oh, did I mention that Rev. Taylor wrote the book that started our Dream Group?  Here is a link to his work.

Since my involvement in that group was about 20 years ago, I'd say it made a definite impact upon me.  I no longer journal my dreams...though I have mentioned some of the more potent ones to my best friend.  We understand each other pretty well.

So may your dreams be of most use to you, yourself.  And may you have total rest and relaxation from the hurly burly world we live in these days.  May the dark offer you comfort and nurture.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

BMCA Gallery -more plates

If you come to Black Mountain (or perhaps live here) this show is up for all of January.  And yes, some student's works are for sale outside the gallery in the hallway.

Just thought I'd offer some more photos of the beautiful work in the gallery. And these will be more plates today.

Mathilda Tanner, instructor. "Art Decco Rose Platter"

Ruth Tanner, "Ruth's Garden"
Yes, Ruth is Mathilda's mother and student.

Suzie Sweet "Bleeding Heart Tray"

Thought for today:

The breezes at dawn have secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep.
Jalaluddin Rumi