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Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday book club

Pamela Duncan had me loving her characters within the first page.
I noticed the vernacular language of the Appalachians, though it was a bit different than what I'm familiar with...but I'm no expert.

And the 3 women that interact in this novel are so believable...I enjoyed seeing how they moved through the pages and their lives.

But I cried at the end.  Can I help it?  These days apparently a good ending does that to me.  Just saying...

And I went to the library to find another of Pamela Duncan's books, so I'll be reading it soon. 

I also have another Anita Diamant book. I was amazed and touched by the second Diamant book I read, "Day after Night."  I'd read her "The Red Tent" once years ago, and recently again, and loved it again.  Now I got to read a novel about the Jews who first settled the area that was to become Israel, and how they were treated by people who should have been helping them.  Very powerful and eye-opening.

What powerful women authors! 

And I found a Deborah Crombie murder mystery which I hadn't yet read.  This is a great life.

I over-heard the librarians saying that one of the local University Libraries in Asheville was no longer going to hold physical books, everything would be e-books.

I'm glad I've now got a program for e-books, but it's not that easy to read them here at my desk and I'm not about to purchase a "tablet" to read them on.  Remember when a tablet had yellow paper with lines?


  1. oh goodie I'm going to check our library to see if I can get any of these; I can get a lot of reading done at the gallery when I am working there in between customers.

    1. Good reading, and sorry that you don't have enough customers that you do have that free time! Let me know what you've enjoyed reading too sometime.

  2. Hi Barbara and thank you so much for visiting. It feels good to be back and I have enjoyed your post very much. I am on my second Deborah Crombie book which I am enjoying immensely. I only just discovered her recently. Have a great week :)

    1. I liked the ones that had a map of the area in London on the fly leaf of the books, and got a better sense of the area that the mystery was taking place in. Enjoy!

  3. I have a tablet and two Kindles and the app on several devices. But I still buy real books and love to hold them. They will never replace ebooks for me. But I love the Kindles which hold large biographies, poetry collections, short stories and novels. So convenient for reading in bed at night or taking to appointments. And since they all will sync with other devices, I never lose my place.

    1. I'm glad they invented sync'ing, aren't you? What our grandmothers would have thought! Oh my!

  4. I can't do much reading anymore - my eyes tend to not re-focus after a short while. I don't have an iPad, a Tablet, or a Kindle, etc.

    1. Oh dear, I didn't know that. But you do a great blog still, and I always enjoy your photos! Just sorry you miss reading. Of course most things are available as audio also these days. It tends to put me to sleep though, unless I'm driving (of course!)

  5. I have a kindle and love that I can read in bed or out on the porch in the evening, with low light... but it's not the same as having a book to hold in your hands and carry around with you. I switch back and forth between e-books and the real thing.
    Thanks for sharing books you have enjoyed... I am always looking for new new authors.

  6. I too own an e-book reader, but prefer to have a *real book*. I do use my iPhone to read if out somewhere waiting on something, but always use a real book at home. And I read daily... whenever there's a free minute... and wouldn't go to bed without a book in my hand. Thanks for the recommendation of "Moon Women". I will look for it.

    1. Well, since I started calling this a book club, please let me know what you think after you've read Moon Women. I'm on another one of her books and not enjoying it as much, all the introspection of each character sounds alike, though maybe she did that on purpose.

  7. I loved MOON WOMEN, PLANT LIFE, and THE BIG BEAUTIFUL. Pam is the real deal, IMO. And so is Deborah Crombie. They're both really nice people too -- not that it matters in reading their books.

    1. Good to have a writer/reader's opinion about these books and authors. Actually now that I'm in the second half of Plant Life, I'm finding the introspection is more varied, because perhaps, there are more characters doing the introspecting.


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